Special, kind of. Probs counts as a One Shot

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This was an idea which suddenly came into my head at six in the morning, and it wouldn't leave my head.

And I've been writing a lot of Detective Conan fics lately, and like the previous chap, I got nowhere else to publish this than here.

Like, now I got no idea if I should continue to label this book as discontinued or not. I just keep getting random ideas I want to write, but I won't be able to keep the book updated to a regular schedule or anything like that.

I only write what I feel for whenever I feel for.

But, yeah.

Either way!

Take this chap as a special or something similar. It's in the future, but is angst/fluff focused. I would think at least. I'm no good when it comes to labeling. I only write and publish if I like how it turned.

Hope you enjoy!


Over a year had passed. You were supposed to be eighteen after your birthday passed. But instead, when your birthday passed, and your fake birthday, you turned eight instead. Both you and Shinichi were supposed to be eighteen years old now, but even with how much you two ran after the crows with every little lead, you just never got much closer.

Nothing had changed physically for you. Maybe your hair had gotten longer, but nothing else. Second year of elementary started a while back, but it was something you didn't want to think about. Really the only thing that's changed about were mentally.

Everything was silent as you slowly stepped down the steps of the stairs. A few cars drove past during the morning hour, but other than that, only the sound of the wind passing was heard. 

Arriving down at the door to the Mouri Agency, you reached up and grabbed the handle. Stepping up to your toes to reach the door handles had grown into an unconscious habit now. Your inner complaining about not being able to reach them had long passed, acceptance having just settled in into habits.

Inside the office stood Conan, no Shinichi. He just stood in the room, staring up at the clock over the door to the office bathroom. The sound of the door opening had him glance over, but seeing you walking inside, he turned fully.

He didn't speak out any words as you closed the door behind you, but your head was held down. He watched as you walked over to him, but he didn't expect you to walk into him. 

Your head was still held down, but when walking over to him, you laid it down on his shoulder. You felt him stiffen under you, but you didn't care. Your forehead laid into his shoulder, and you were still silent.

Shinichi turned his head to glance at you, a slight blush spread over his face, and his eyes were widened in surprise and slight shock. His arms were slightly raised, unsure of what to do, but he did take notice of your silence. Sure, you had your silent times as a shy person at times, but this was a different silence. "What's wrong?" he came to ask, now displaying concern.

"I'm tired," was your answer. It was in a low mutter. The only reason he heard was because you were into him.

Shinichi continued to stay still for a moment, but he understood your message. "I'm tired of this life of lies. I'm tired of this entire situation. I want things back to normal." was what was told. One arm dropped down, but he held the other around you. He could fully understand. He was getting tired of it all as well. "I know..." he muttered back, giving you a soft squeeze into the small hug. 

You had your eyes closed as you continued to lean into his shoulder. With over a year having passed, fatigue had built up inside of you. You were able to handle it when it all started, but as time passed by you, the border started to fade. The border between you and you. (R/N) and (F/N). And the same went for Shinichi.

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