Telling him about (Y/N)'s past

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As you may have read some hints in previous chapters that (Y/N) had a past she doesn't want to talk about. I'm making this chapter to tell you about the past, if you had gotten confused by the other chapter's hints.


You sat on the couch reading a book, and you didn't know where Conan was. Ran and Kogoro had to out for a little while, but Ran didn't want to leave you and Conan alone. It took a while convinsing her that you two would be just fine alone. It had now started pouring down with rain outside couting the window with water drops.

You heard some shouting up stairs and decided to check it out. You laid your book on the table and went upstairs.

When you opened the door you saw Conan talking on his phone.

"Oka-san!!" yelled Conan into his phone blushing.

"Conan?" you asked.

Conan looked up and then to you.

"Oh, hey (Y/N)" said Conan and tried to stop blushing.

"Who're you talking to?" you asked.

"Is it (Y/N)?" asked the person from the phone.

"Yeah" said Conan into his phone.

"Can I talk to her?!" almost screamed the person on the phone.

Conan stretched his arm as far as he could to not get deaf.

"Jeez, mom" said Conan. "Can you calm down?"

"Sorry, sorry..." said the person. "I just want to speak with my soon to be daughter"

You couldn't hear all the things said, and stood confused as Conan shouted at the phone blushing again.

"Sorry, (Y/N)" aplogized Conan and scratched his neck. "I'm talking with my mom and she wants to talk with you if you want to"

You felt a little sadness inside of you when he said that he talked to his mother, but you kept your best to not show it.

"Alright" you said and accepted his phone. "Hello"

"(Y/N)! Remember me, Yukiko?" asked Yukiko excited. "It's been so long since I last met you"

"Yeah, it has been a long time" you smiled slightly.

"How are your parents?" asked Yukiko suddenly.

You got a little shocked and looked at the floor not answering.

"(Y/N)?" asked Yukiko.

You didn't hear her and didn't notice that Conan walked over to you.

"(Y/N)?" he asked stepping infront of you.

"(Y/N)!" he shouted as he saw a tear going down your chin.

You jumped suprised and then noticed that you had a tear and wiped it away.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" asked Conan concerned.

"I'm fine" you said trying to hold it in.

"(Y/N), is something wrong?" asked Yukiko.

"I'm fine" you said. "And I don't know how my parents are. I haven't seen or talked to them since I was 15"

Yukiko didn't say anything back and Conan looked a little sad and shocked.

After a little time of silence Yukiko said that she had to go, a little sad, and ended the call. You stood there along with Conan now.

"(Y/N)?" he asked as you gave him his phone back. "You alright?"

You felt more tears coming and you shook your head looking down on the floor.

"I don't know how I feel about my parents anymore" you said. "They left me when I was 15 years old"

"Hey, it's alright you're not alone" said Conan trying to cheer you up. "My parents also went away when I was able to take care of myself"

"But atleast you can contact them" you said. "They haven't called me or sent any messages of any kind"

Conan looked down unsure of what to say.

"There are sometimes they send a type of expensive gift, but I normally ignore them" you explained. "I don't know how to react to them, they come from them without any notice or card"

A door could be heard being opened, but you and Conan didn't hear it.

"It felt like I didn't have any real friends when I was small. They would just hang around me to make it look like I wasn't alone, but they hardly talked to me" tears came running down your chin now. "And my parents had barely time to be with me. So when they left with just a note on the table, I felt empty"

"Hey, it's okay. We are here for you" said Conan and hugged you tight.

"(Y/N)" you heard from the door.

You and Conan turned towards the door and saw Ran holding her hands over her mouth.

"I heard heard what you said" said Ran getting tears.

"What did you hear?" you asked now a little scared if she hear to much and would reveal their secret.

"I heard that about your friends" started Ran. "And that your parents left. Was it then they died?"

You sighted in sadness and relief.

"Yeah" you said and looked down.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry" said Ran and hugged you. "You and Conan are a part of our family now"

"I finally can have a real time with a family and friends" you smiled.

You started crying again, but this time more on the happy side. The rain outside started to stop and the cloud moved letting the sun shine throught the window onto you, Conan and Ran as all of you hugged.


Word Count; 875

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