Christmas special

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You were helping Ran in the kitchen to make the Christmas dinner.

Conan and Kogoro had set up the tree and decorated around the apartment. Almost everything was ready for the Christmas evening and the rest was almost done.

"You've done enough now (Y/N)" said Ran. "Leave the rest to me"

"If you say so" you smiled and walked to the livingroom and onto the couch next to Conan.

"How had the Christmas day been like for you today?" you asked him.

"Just normal, people sending greetings in mail and phone message" he said not looking up from his book.

"I never got to ask you" you said. "How was the school christmas party?"

"You were there too, you know" he said looking up.

"I know, but I wasn't always with you and no case happened" you said.

"Yeah, it was a relief that no case happened" said Conan. "And nothing special happened just the group exploring and getting into a little trouble"

"Like what?" you asked.

"Genta ate almost all the food and they almost knocked down the christmas tree inside" he said.

"Really?" you asked.

He nodded and sighed.

"I don't really like parties that much" he sighed.

"But remember that Sonoko invited us to a christmas party in the mansion" you said. "At least it's better then sitting home and just reading"

He shook is head and continued reading is book. You sighed and looked over at Kogoro who was cheering at the TV watching Yoko performing a christmas performance.

You looked outside and saw the snow falling down onto the medium layer of snow on the ground.

"Dinner's ready!" said Ran and came out with the food.

All of you sat down ate and talked together.

"Will we be opening presents now" you asked innocently like a child.

"We will open them when we get back from the party tonight" said Ran.

"Okay" you smiled.

After eating all of you went to your rooms go get dressed. Ran had a long pink dress with white markings, Kogoro and Conan had black tuxedo with red tie and you had a red dress with sparkles and stars. You had fixed your air into a (hair style). All of you went out, took a taxi and arrived to Sonoko's party mansion.

The party room inside the mansion was really decorated and was filled with people.

A long table with food and drinks was by the wall to the right and a big christmas tree was in the far left corner. Tables were spread around with different amount of chairs. You walked over to a table to sit down, Conan followed you.

You two talked together until the light turned off and the stage was lit up.

"Welcome everyone and Merry Christmas!" said Jirokichi into the mic. "The plan for tonight is a quiz with a christmas gift as prize and we'll end with a ball, so discuss a partner for the end dance!"

Everyone in the room applaused and the butlers and maids gave out papers with questions to everyone.

"You will all get half an hour to answer the quiz and the winner who gets the highest score wins!"

Because you and Conan were children you two got one paper to work together with. You two wrote down the answers and were done after 5 minutes.

After another 25 more minutes the butlers and maids gathered the papers. Then after 10 minutes Sonoko went back onto the stage to announce the winner.

"And the winner of the quiz is..." said Sonoko and looked at the paper. "(Y/N) and Conan!"

Everyone applaused while you two walked onto the stage.

"Here you go little ones and congratulations" said the maid who held the gift.

"Thanks you miss" said you and Conan together.

"Now that the winners are annonced it's time for the dance" said Jirokichi. "So find yourself a partner and let the music begin!"

You and Conan went back to the table with the gift and set it on the table.

"Shall we have this dance?" asked Conan with a grin and gave you a hand.

"Of course" you giggled a little and gave him your hand and you two walked to the dance floor.

You two started danceing slowly and talked a little together. You heared some of the adults saying how cute you two were and Ran and Sonoko were squealing at the cuteness.

"How about we get some fresh air" you said and stopped.

Conan nodded and walked with you to the door.

"The party isn't that bad is it?" you asked him.

"I know what will make it better" said Conan.

"And what is that?" you asked and looked at him.

Conan kissed you unexpectedly for 3 seconds then let go. You blushed madly and Conan smirked. He pointed up and you saw a mistletoe. You still blushed and walked out for fresh air. You two talked together and Ran and Kogoro went outside.

"It's time for us to go home now" said Ran holding your gift.

"Okay" said Conan.

The way back home was quiet and Ran gave you the gift from the party.

"How about we open the presents now?" asked Ran.

"Yay!" you cheered like a child. (If it's acting or real life, you decide)

All of you opened your presents. Ran got clothes and some other things, Kogoro got Yoko stuff and you and Conan got a violin from your parents.

"Wow, violins" said Ran. "They look expensive too. Can you two play the violin?"

"Yeah, but I'm tried now" you said and made a false yawn.

"I understand, let's go to bed then" said Ran.

All of you went to their rooms to sleep.

You however went to the roof with your new violin and started playing a slow and beautiful song.

The roof door opened, and you stopped, held the bow down and looked at the christmas night scenery infront of you.

"Why didn't you want to play infront of Ran?" asked Conan as he walked over.

"Just some bad memories from when I was younger" you sighed still looking forwards.

You closed your eyes and put the bow back onto the violin and started to play your favorite song.

Conan quietly got out his own violin and joined in on the song.

After playing it Conan started playing Amazing Grace and you joined with a smile.

What you two didn't know was that Ran stood by the door smiling at you two happily.


Word Count; 1083

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