Episode 11 Part 1

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Alright, so if you read this after I edited then I will say that this 'episode' contains many parts.

Just so you are aware of that.

This plot is all made by me from my own creativity, which I sometime curse at as it always become to long...

Hope you enjoy!


You, Ran, Conan and Kogoro were walking down a street in Beika in the evening. All of you had gone to a small restaurant to celebrate that Kogoro was on two cases at once.

It started with him working on a stalking case and in the middel of that he caught a thief that was somewhat relative to the case. And the reason you guys went out to eat was because he was able to do it without becoming Sleeping Kogoro.

The case went like this; Kogoro was following a man who the client suspected was a stalker and after request sending updates to the client. The case ended with the suspect actually being a stalker and the client bring the thief. The thief had gone around saying that someone was stalking her and made someone follow them while sending updates, so she could rob their houses.
The only reason Kogoro was able to catch them was because Kogoro found that the suspect was a stalker, but for someone else and he had that day gone home earlier then usual, and Kogoro didn't tell the client because he was going to catch him in his house, but when they came to his house he saw his client robbing the suspects home.

Kogoro caught the two and gave them to the police. Since then he had just gone around bragging and been so proud and invited all of you to go out for dinner.

While walking home you and Conan were sweatdropping at Kogoro who was still bragging and laughing like a maniac and Ran was trying to quite him down.

"Hello there, young ones" said a voice from the side from you.

All of you stopped and looked at the person who spoke.

"I am Sakuyia, a fortune teller who can look into your future" introduced the old lady. "Do you want to know your future?"

"Wow, a fortune teller" said Ran. "Can I go?"

"Of course, but that will cost 1500 yen" said Sakuyia.

"No way I'm going to pay something as fake as fortune telling" said Kogoro.

"But it is free for young children as you two" smiled Sakuyia to you and Conan.

"No thanks" said you and Conan not believing in fortune telling.

"Oh, come on you two" said Ran and shoved you two towards the lady. "It's nothing to be scared of, and it's free for you"

"Fine" sighed Conan and turned to the lady sitting in a small tent and behind a small table.

"What do we do?" you asked the lady.

"Pick a card" explained the lady and spread out card from the deck she had. "Any card and show it to me"

You and Conan pick a card each and looking at them. You had taken a spade of queen and Conan took a spade of king. You two turned your cards to the lady for her to see.

"Oh, my" gasped Sakuyia. "It seems like you two will get into a dangerous situation soon"

"Not that suprising" you mumbled to yourself.

"But when your together you will be able to overcome it just fine" said Sakuyia. "But if you two are seperated for to long in the situation bad things will happen to you two"

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