Chapter 24: Chloegeddon

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Alright fine! You can look at an 11 year old girl weird! Just know, I'll be there to stare at you when your trying to slurp up the last few drops of your strawberry mocha! Plus this straw is crappy. "No Nia!" I chanted again, as miss. persistent over here wanted the rest. Looking around, the group was truly a mess. Chloe was huffing and walking quickly, as Paige was trailing next to her begging for something. Josh was dropping coins and Brooke's hair was blowing everywhere as she was trying to talk to Nick through her phone. Our moms were squealing and running across the cement, carrying their shoes. And our dads were having a riveting conversation about the stealers. Who cares?! Ugh, am I the only normal one?! "Ewwwwwwwww!" I shrieked, staring at the new piece of gum on my shoe. Alright, no ones normal.

No Paige, No. I've heard enough! I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at Josh. Beyond mad... IM FURIOUS!!! Either way, I don't have time for his mind games. Now that I can walk period, I'm going to that convention. I don't care what anyone says, I am going there whether it hurts or not. Any chance I get to dance... I will. We're headed towards the limo now... Wait a minute who... That shadow looks exactly like...

"Oh my good lord... It's Maddie..." Jesus Christ I thought. I don't know how all of the Chloe crap happened but according to my sissys Maddie was the cause of all of it, but they won't tell me what she did! It's like they don't want me to know... Anyways, after I whispered that, Brooke looked first at me, then at the girl next to the limo(Maddie) dropped her phone, picked it up, shashayed over to Paige, elbowed her in the rib cage, shashayed back to me and said "What the f..."

Freedom, Freedom for Chloe.

Funny, Funny times watching our moms squeal.

Fun, Fun will happen at the convention.

Freakin', Freakin' Maddie has to be here... (Grinds fists)


"Brookie calm down" I said patting her broad shoulders. But being honest... The sidewalk looks pretty hard... The parents aren't watching... And I'm livid... No, no Josh. Save it for the hockey rink. Then your just as bad as she is... Brooke looked like she was gonna punch someone, Paige looked like steam was bursting out of her ears, Chloe looked... Hottttttt, but what else is new?!?! "Nia, Kendall, look over there." I pointed in Maddie's direction. Nia gasped and Kendall threw whatever was left of her mocha to the ground. When Melissa, Greg, and Kenzie stepped out of the limo that's when I gasped. Melissa started running to the other mothers, obviously the moms didn't know what Maddie did on stage cause every mom began chatting with her... Except for Christi who didn't look at the whole family, was she the only smart one?!?! Greg casually walked towards the dads... But when Kenzie tried running to us, Maddie stuck her hand in front of her chest to stop her. She knew we all knew what she did. Maddie stared at us with no emotion. No nothing, no apologies, no sympathy glances. But the worst of it came when her cold blue eyes fell upon Chloe. I watched it all, struggling to refrain myself. She stared right into her eyes with a look of pure disgust. I could see her mouth the words "I win" Paige grabbed my clenched fist and pulled it back. Maddie just stared at Chloe with this just pure savage look of no sympathy. How could she?!?! She's the worst human being I know. She whispered something to Kenz, who nodded and hopped into the limo. Maddie looked at us all one more time. We all looked at each other and nodded. We all started walking forward too the limo. Everyone hopped in and I was last. I thought for a second... I got right in her face. She puckered her lips, idiot. I said to her "You haven't won" and I walked in slamming the limo door in her shocked face.

God, this is weird. Josh sitting in between me and Maddie. Maddie... I wanna cry. Now I know we'll never be friends again, though I did want to up until about 3 minutes ago. Did I ever do anything to her? I mean, with Paige's several explanations, I remember that she really likes Josh, and she was jealous, but that wouldn't be it would it... "Jealousy killed the cat" Paige whispered in my ear. God, I swear she can read my mind. Wait... "Isn't it curiosity killed the cat?" I smiled. Paige made her thinking face and replied "Well, if Maddie's the cat, it's jealousy." I giggled, Paige always knew how to make me laugh. She grabbed my hand and looked like she was about to say something. I stopped her. "Paige, if this is another try to fix Keesh or whatever, just stop. There's no point." I said with a shrug. " ITS COSH, and I won't stop because there is a point, and when I cry at the studio you tell me don't give up, so why would I now?" She said. I looked down at my feet timidly, she had a point. I guess the reason I told her to stop was just because I didn't want to hear it, which was selfish of me. I leaned my head to the left and her shoulder was also already there. That's the best part of having a best friend, when your crying and you need a shoulder to lean on, there's already one waiting for you. ----- that last sentence is a quote I actually made up myself. All rights reserved.
"You ok Chlobird? You look like you can't fly!" Kelly said from the passenger seat of the limo. Everyone but Maddie and Josh laughed. Ugh, the happy couple!!!

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