Chapter 23:Secrets, Stealers, and Starbucks

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"Well Chlo, Its hard to explain..." I started, trying to figure a way out of this. "Paige, dont get me annoyed. Just tell me! Comeon! Even if you dont want me to know... I do have the right!" She said urging me on. Thats when my phone started beeping. I took it out and read the text to myself...  From: Brooke
  Im watching u from da elevator. Wha she askin u?  I responded back...
 From: Paige
 U left  10 mins ago! Ur still in da elevator?
 From: Brooke
 Yup, long line. Packed with Chloe fans screaming 2 c her. Lol, they kept interrogating Josh about all their instagram posts together. So, whaz up?
 From: Paige
 Well, she knows da story now about wha happened 2 her but... She wants 2 know why shes mad at Joshie.
 From: Brooke
 Shoot... Well, ur gonna hav 2 tell her, cuz id rather have u tell her than her find out la8er from some1 else.
 From: Paige
 2 true Brookie. K, I will ttyl kisses!

I looked up from my phone into Chloes wanting eyes. I knew this had to be done. "Ok, Chloe. Heres what happened. You really are in love with Josh, and like any girl in love with a guy wjhos around girls often, you began to worry about particularly Maddie. You told me you had a terrible nightmare one night about Josh climbing through your window saying he was dumping you for Maddie and then left. Of course, you got even more worried. Then at the competition, he kindoff dident really talk to you. Natrually, you freaked out more. But what broke the final straw was what me and the girls are calling The Engergy performing arts Competition Catastrophee... In your mind... he purposely missed your solo and was screaming his head off for his "New Girlfriend" Maddie, he dumped you without even saying it. But Chloe, I interrogated him myself, I was so upset, and I promise he's..."


"A TOTAL JERK!" I shouted interrupting Paige. I had heard enough. Well, now I COMPLETELY understand why I was angry at him... more then that I HATE HIM!!! Thats when all my memories came flooding back, I remember the whole thing! I even remember hair getting stuck to my face I was crying so much! In such an angry rush, I huffed away and bolted for the hospital room, for the first time ignoring Paige calling after me.


"Guys over here!" I shouted ponting at the thin, blond girl standing in the lounge. "Excuse me, Excuse me miss. Are you the Paige Hyland?" I spoke, my cameramen getting right in her face. "Uh... Yes I... I am, hey... BUDDY GET THAT CAMERA OUT OF MY FACE OR YOUR..." She stopped, wise choice. She would have ended up on every magazine cover from Tennesee to Timbuktoo if she had continued. "Ok, Is it true your best friend and teamate the Chloe Lukasiak is staying in this very hospital?" I pushed forward. "Yes! Now go!" Paige spoke back to us. We all ran off to the nearest elevator. Yay! Looks like I'm getting a raise!


God how I HATE newsreporters! They show up everywhere! Either way, Chloe now knows the story and also, I dont know where she is. I pulled out my bejeweld compact and touched up my gloss, fixed my fishtail braid and then  took a selfie. I do all that stuff when I'm confused about what to do. I ran down to the elevator blowing kisses to fans. God, heeled boots are hard to run in... I finally reached the elevator and saw the curly mass of blond hair. I reached for her shoulder "Chloe, let me explain!" I said to her. "Chloe turn around right n..." It was a short man with a go-tee and purple crescent moon glasses that reminded me of Dumbledore "And your not Chloe!" I said shocked. I let go of that weird guys shoulder. I wasent gonna be that mean girl who forces everyone to move so she can get through... but everyone did the minute I showed up! "Wow, I could get used to this..." I said feeling like a reality tv star... oh wait. The elevator rose and rose, and thats when I didnt even realize that the newslady and her camera goons were right next to me "Hi again!" she said walking out of the open  elevator. I knew I had to beat her to Chloe... wherever she was. So, I jumped in front of her and booked it to the right hallway. I felt like one of the people sneaking around in those clique movie scenes. You know? Where theres that duh-da-duh-da music playing, and like different people run through a bunch of different hallways... OH COMEON FOCUS! You have to find Chloe, said that voice in my head. Ha! Lol, one of those stupid camera gonns tripped on a kids shoelace, preesh kid! Alright stop screaming at me, I cant autograph your face right now... There it is! Thats when I was in another clique scene. Me and that Fiona gal saw the room at the same time, then looked at each other, and back. The chase was on! She made the first move and ran forward. But I  was smart... She tripped on the heel of her ankle boot (So out of style btw) and I side aerialed over her and grabbed the door knob. Paige wins, the voice in my head cheered! I turned the handle and ran in, body slamming Kendall. "Oof!" She shrieked and fell back onto Nia, who crushed Brooke. What a domino effect! I think it looked bad when I was laughing at my teammates who were all discombobulated on the floor... and it got worse when the Fiona ladys camera goons started snapping pics. I turned around angrily ready to face those idiots but Josh beat me to it... He waved at them politely, but then hitch-kicked the camera down and slammed the door right in their pretty little faces. Boom thats my bro bro!!! We high fived and chest bumped when we heard some type of glass shatter! I looked around hoping my exhausting trip was not for nothing... yup there she was. Sitting on the hospital bed repeadedly clicking a button a remote? It was like her eyes were attached to the tv screen, she kept repeating a scene over and over again. I walked over and put my hand on her shoulder. Of course... she was watching that stupid Girl Meets World episode, Again! Why shes obsessed I dont know or care... but all I know is I need Chloe to FULLY understand what happened with her and Josh, because she still doesent seem to get it. Plus my energys low and I need a latte! I need my Starbucks!

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