Chapter 4: The sleepover part 2

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Pizza was good but now we [ the people who knew] had to get serious about this whole Chloe and Josh thing. Me Paige Kendall and Nia sat in my room and we came up with a plan. We finally agreed with this…

1. Paige calmly asks Chloe if she likes Josh but does not tell her that Josh likes her.

2. Since Chloe never sleeps at a sleepover we make sure we pretend to be asleep so she go’s upstairs right when Josh watches his midnight cop shows.

3. We secretly follow her upstairs and dim the lights when there together then watch them quietly.

4. We convince Josh to kiss her right at midnight.

5. After watching we quietly go back downstairs.

That was our plan and it was going to be perfect.


Our plan was perfect. Now we all needed to go tell Josh to kiss Chloe NO MATTER WHAT at midnight. We all headed into his room. When Brooke opened his door he was hitting himself in the face. We asked him calmly if there was a chance to kiss Chloe would he take it? "YES! but why?" He said. We told him that tonight he had to kiss Chloe at midnight. He looked like a mixture of blushing fear excitement and pure curiosity. He said yes! Yay! When me and the girls left his room I told them I was going to ask Chloe about Josh. This was the most crucial part of the plan. The girls gave me a thumbs up and I went downstairs.


Finally I saw Paige coming down. She took me into the closet and asked me the worst possible question… She said "Kay Chlo... This may seem weird but are you in love with my brother?' I kind of froze. But I thought she is my BFF so I said"Yes and I just realized it today after dinner." I asked her if she thought it was obvious. She smiled and nodded. I told her that she could tell everyone else except for Josh Maddie or Kenz. She said of course and then she told me that I could go upstairs if everyone was asleep and I was still awake. I said ok but I didn’t know why?


After our movie ‘’Tears from the lost and forgotten’’ ended it was 11:30! We had to get into action! Me Paige Kendall and Nia winked and we pretended to go to sleep. Can’t wait!


Why is everyone so tired? We usually stay up till 1 in the morning! Mackenzie was already sleeping and it looked like the other four were already sleeping. Chloe wasn’t sleeping SHE NEVER DOES! Something was up... I put a pillow under my sleeping bag to make it look like I was sleeping and I snuck into the bathroom.


It looked like everyone was sleeping so I went upstairs.

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