Chapter 20: Maddies Militia

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My best friend was back!!! I thought seeing her big brown eyes open was enough. But now I'm hugging her and were both crying. This couldent be any better! Bits and peices of her memory were returning and I was helping her along the way. "And... Your sister... Brooke! And dont you have a brother... Josh!" Chloe shouted smiling. I giggled. "Gosh if he knew you almost forgot him he may have commited suicide..." I began. Chloe looked at me puzzled. " I'm kidding..." I tried to assure her. But to be honest I'm not sure if I was. Chloe was Josh's life and I didn't know how he would cope without her. And I figured that out when the door burst open and I saw the person come running into the room...


I didn't know what I should I do. Ive kindoff been in a blank and fuzzy state of mind after what happened last night. I couldent look couldent speak couldent move. I was weak.

(To the Dance Moms fans that last sentance was in the song Beautiful that Maddie danced to in season 1. I do not own that all credit to Lifetime. Lol heart Dance Moms) Anyways...

It happened in a flash. It was like she went down I heard the crash and... I felt like my mind came back on the drive back to the hotel. After the rest of the dance after the rest of the competition and after the awards ceremony. It was like i wasent even there. Why couldent I have held onto that precoius little hand of hers? Maddie just caught me by surprize. So that night in the hotel my eyes were closed but I wasn't asleep. It was easy to pretend I couldent hear Paige and Brooke sneaking out of the hotel to go to the hospital that night. It was easy to pretend that getting dressed this morning was worth the effort. It was easy to pretend staring out a window for hours wasent boring.It just wasent easy to pretend that every stinking thing didn't remind me of Chloe and that I had never worried about someone as much as I was for her. Gosh... What am I gonna do... Gonna do...


Alright I guess that was worth it to look away from my morning newspaper and cup of coffee to see this. Or hear it that kid was running so fast. He had a dark leather jacket on and skinny jeans with green Nikes. He had floppy sandy brown hair and icy blue eyes. He just ran right passed me... OW! It was so fast the woosh made me spill my coffee on my pants! His feet barely hit the ground it was like he was flying! I looked forward to see where the kid was running to. Ah... Cedars Hospital. I wonder why a boy like him was spending his Saturday morning running to a hospital...


I can remember things now! Paige asked me if I remembered our secret handshake. After about 6 seconds of thinking I remembered it! In the middle the door burst open. That boy... Josh. He burst into the room. "Paige!" He began "Am I too la..." and thats when his eyes layed on me. His eyes closed and quickly fell straight to the ground in two seconds. "Oh gee... Um pretend you didnt see that..." Paige said smiling and shooing the air like this was nothing. She picked him up by his armpits and dragged him out of my room. Smacking his head on doors and walls along the way. Was he dead? Oh please tell me not another hospitalized person around here!


Why is it that whenever Josh faints and is rendered un conchis I am the one who has to carry him? Ugg. This time was funny though because he was saying "Chloe..." "Chloe..." over and over again in his, I dont know, Sleep? Whatever its called it was making me crack up. I even would say "Yes Josh. Chloe! Now shut up!" He even was drooling! Awkward... A nurse passed us and looked at me and him. Uh hello keep walking lady! Its just a 13 year old girl carrying a 14 year old boy whos not conchis down a hallway that leads to who knows where. Ive lived a bit of a crazy life so far but ironically I never pictured me cradeling my brother. Ok... he had to shut up about Chloe. Ok I didn't really know what I was gonna do but I had to do somthing... Ah got it! Ok here goes...

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