Chapter 26: What Maddie did not have...

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I could not believe this. Everyone, literally everyone, was staring at us. Even ms. Sabrina, Aniya, Chiara, and this girl named Maci, who I saw because she was pretty good at the combo too. Josh and I had just danced together as we had never before, we were one. One dancer. One... Heart. But then, if any things worse than dancing with the guy who shattered your heart, when the dance was finished he took my hands, we stared into each other's eyes, and we shared a long gentle kiss in front of everyone!!!!! I did not want to enjoy it, at all, but somehow I Felt a sense of relief, a sense that I haven't felt in a really long time. A feeling of butterflies, fireworks, and roller coaster spins were cascading around my brain. And it drove me crazy... No! I pulled myself away. I will not let myself be fooled into loving this guy again! It's insane, I thought. Naturally, Paige was behind us snapping pics and said "Wow you two, didn't know you'd be this forward..." A couple girls giggled. That's when I looked at Josh. He looked completely blank too, the same way I felt well we were dancing. Like he didn't know what to do next, but I refuse to say anything, he broke my heart, did me wrong, and it's over. But then he spoke "Chloe, I..." But I cut him off. I had heard far enough. I was sick of the embarrassment and confusion. The tears started rolling down my face. I looked around, the room and everyone in it a blur, and with one final glance at Josh, I turned around and bolted to the door. I threw it open and the cold and hard wind hit my face. In my bra and booty shorts I ran threw the wind and Dewey grass as fast as I could. I needed to get away from here!!! I was wiping away tears as my hair blew all over the place. "IM SO STUPID!" I chanted at myself repeatedly. I looked back at the building and I could see I was getting farther and farther away, but I kept running forward... Though I had no clue where I was headed. I looked to the sky and screamed through my tears "WHY?!" ... But that was my mistake. I didn't see the huge branch in front of me, before my eyes shut and I collapsed into something wet...

Wow... We just kissed, and we haven't done that in a long time. But then our moment was over when I saw the fear in her big, beautiful, brown eyes. I was about to say "Chloe, I need you in my life! Won't you please let me explain?" But I couldn't and she ran outside with only one glance back at me. She slammed the door behind her and it felt like she slammed my heart so hard. I looked at my sisters and their eyes were big and their mouths were hanging open. They both shouted at the same time "GO GET YOUR GIRL!" Brooke crossed her arms and Paige pointed toward the door. I hardly ever say this, but my sissys were right. I nodded at them and Paige lifted her eyebrows in that flirtatious way she teases me with but Brooke looked serious. Her eyes told me too "Go save her" , I don't know what I have to "save" her from, but she's my princess and I'm her knight in shining armor, so Im gonna do something! So I bolted out the door at top speed. God, it was windy. I looked around, but I didn't see Chloe... Anywhere. In the sunlight I noticed something glistening, it was a small yet deep pond, and next to it was a tree, with a huge branch on the side of it. Gosh I hope no one runs into that! Oh my g... There was something golden blond hanging out of the pond, it looked like hair... Wait a minute... "CHLOE!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I didn't care if I fell and broke any bone in my body, I'm running faster right now than I ever have... No! Don't run out of breath! Keep going... "CHLOE!!!!!!!!!!" I kept shouting, but she wasent responding! I almost ran past that tree when I stopped dead in my tracks. There was a spot of... Red, on the branch. It was blood... Oh no... Well Chloe was in a coma, a nurse told Paige that if anyone in a coma broke skin or a blood vessel, their body would go into a coma again! And if she had another coma underwater she'll... Dr... Drow... "CHLOE!!!!" I yelled throwing myself at her. I saw her forehead bleeding and bubbles were coming from her mouth. SHE WAS ALREADY DROWNING!!!!! I had to get her out before her lungs were completely filled!!!!!

Gosh, that wind is fierce. "Chloe, Josh?!?!" I called after them. Something told me I had to go. "Oh my..." I whispered, I could not believe what I'm seeing... Josh was pulling Chloe out of some pond... OH MY GOOD GOD!!! Was she bleeding?! I threw off my dance shoes and ran as quick as possible to them. As I was running, I felt my mind start to spin into one of those flip camera disks, where images fly by. I saw a picture of Chloe and I when she was 5 and I was 4, she was holding my left leg up and I was holding up her right. Thousands more images came flashing by of me and Chloe and then I almost stopped breathing when I heard a voice say "You lost her once... You gonna lose her again?" My eyes were wide with sadness and shock. I have never told anyone why I hate Chloe, it's not just because of Josh, but I know. And that's when I realized... I made a huge mistake! I never should have done this to Chloe. I killed her spirit, and now I may have killed... Her! "CHLOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed and ran to her. I threw myself at Josh. "Josh... Josh, I'm sooooooo sorry!!! Look what I've done!" I cried looking at my fallen friend. "I thought we were meant to be... But I was wrong! She's your love!!! And I love her too!!!!! It's just..." I took a deep breath, I had never shared this with anyone. "I've always been jealous of her!!! Her fair skin, the perfect blond hair, the pearly white smile, her long legs and beautiful extensions, her talent as a ballerina, and mostly, her ability to see the world so positive, happy, and uplifting. I did not have that. I ruined everything... I'm so sorry..." I said practically pouring my heart out. That's why I've always hated Chloe, Abbey says CHLOES the one who's jealous, but really it's me. Josh stared right at me. And then he quickly kissed my cheek but I think I'm over him. "Maddie, you're beautiful inside and out, with your own set of very special qualities. And thank you for sharing, but we'll both be sorry if we don't save her!" I nodded and grabbed Chloe's hand and pulled it against my heart as Josh began giving her mouth to mouth. "Don't leave us.." I breathed, begging God for a miracle.

Chloe and Josh:Upside downWhere stories live. Discover now