Chapter 19: The girl with the blond hair and icy blue eyes

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I could see things. And that light was just brutal. I saw a bunch of people all around me. I think I remembered this hospital but I wasent sure. I merely recognized these peoples faces but I could tell they were all smiling at... me?! I looked to my right and saw a beeping machine with a bunch of lines zig zagging across the screen. I felt a large hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see the face. He was kindoff tan and he had light brown hair and brown eyes. I felt like I remembered that man. A tear was sliding down his face and he smiled at me and said "Hi my angel" I smiled at the man. Smiling made my lips hurt. Thats when I saw that a girl was staring at me from the foot of the bed. She said to the group of people " Do you guys mind if I talk to her alone?" Everyone nodded with a grin and walked out and a bright blond haired woman came to me and kissed my cheek and walked away. The girl came and sat down on my bed. She had tears in her eyes. Why were all these people crying? The girl looked right at me and she said "Hi. Um... do you know who I am?" she said wiping away a tear off a cheek. I felt my tounge surge forward. It was like my body wanted to respond to this girl. It hurt but I said "N... No?" I heard myself say (or ask) and thats when she burst into even more tears. " You um... You have to remember me! Im... Im your best friend" The girl said sniffling " We met when we were 2 years old. In our first class together we instantly became inseperable. You helped me learn to turn! We both joined the competition team when we were 4. I remember us calling each other on our moms phones and screaming yay! We both have blond hair we both have long legs" the girl laughed softly " We have begged Abbey for a duet for like... years! When I got my first phone you were the first number I got. When I broke my foot you cried more that my brother and sister! I cant even count how many sleepovers we have had!  And at Christmas at my house I can honestly say that there would always be more presents for you than me! Whenever our familys go to Starbucks I always get two straws for us insted of one just for me. You give me my strength at the studio. When Im being torn down by Abbey and Im crying I can run out the door and I dont have to look far for your embrace. You and I came up with the quote... The best part about having a best friend is when your crying and you lean over for a shoulder theres already one waiting for you..." She started crying even more. I stared blankly at her but I could feel her pain. She was crying for... me. But I didnt know her. Did I? "Please remember me! In the real world a person needs a best friend and in the real world I need you! Um... Do you remember what your name is?" Suddenly I felt a sortof tingling sensation in my brain. Staring into that girls face made me remember somthing... Chlo...Ch...bird... Chlob..b...Chlobird! I timidly spoke and said "Chlobird..." The girl started crying even harder. She screamed "YES!!!" and she grabbed my right hand and kissed it. I was in shock. I sat up... whoa suddenly I could feel my stomach! Thats when I got hit mentally. Those icy blue eyes... She wasent the only one with those. There was another girl with short brown hair and those same eyes. I remember that girl being smart and very kind. But then I saw another face with those eyes... It was a boy. He had floppy sandy colored hair. He was suave and smooth... but sweet and romantic. I felt like I had a certain... tie to him. And then I saw the same girl I was looking at right now. She had wavy blond hair and a big smile. She was bubbly and funny and joyful. And then I saw this image of that girl linking arms with... me? We were walking down a path through a grassy park. And then I saw the brunette girl and me lying in a parking lot talking and laughing. And then I saw the boy and me staring at each other and then he held up his jacket and covered our faces and... What was that all about? I saw 7 girls walking down the beach. 7 girls jumping into a pool. 7 girls on a hammoc. 7 girls throwing popcorn at each other. 7 girls in a limo goofing around. And then once again I saw that girl with the blond hair and the icy blue eyes and me. She was on my back and we were smiling at each other. All of a sudden I felt a woosh. "PAIGE!" I shouted jumping forward at the girl.

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