Chapter 16: Time for the group number!

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WHOA. Where am I... huh wait... what... oh wait! Im in the hotel room and WHOA! Paige looks mad.


"About time you wake up!" I shouted at him. "Wake up?" he asked.  "You went unconchis when I was choking you in the elavator. Lucky im strong cause once you were knocked out it was like lugging a dead body around... ANYWAY... HOW DARE YOU BREAK CHLOES HEART!" I screamed. I needed answers. "WHAT!" He screamed back. He was obviously playing dumb. I was gonna get to the bottom of this and I dident care if I had to stare at him till the day was done until he explained why he crushed the soul of my bestie. "Chloe..." Wait, I stopped myself. I dident know exactly what happened. All I knew was that he shattered her heart, and I couldent continue interagating him until I knew the full story.


I threw my phone onto the pillow and flopped onto the bed, the bouncing sound hidden by my loud and tearful sobbs. Luckily, mom was still with the other moms at Panera so I dident have to explain to her the whole long story of why I was crying. That would just make me cry more. My face was so soaked from tears that my hair started sticking too my cheeks, and I hate that, so I tied it up in a messy bun and wrapped myself in the purple fuzzy blanket I got for christmas from... The Hylands... My tears came back and they were so heavy you could see them on the sheets. Josh was my one true love, and he was one of the things that brought me true happiness. The way I could talk to him about anything, The way he listened to me and I listened to him, The way we danced together (It was electrifying) and most of all how sweet and loving he was to me when I needed it, and the one person who could give that to me right now, was the one person I cant speak to, Josh. Over my sobbs I could hear Paiges ringtone on my phone again.I sighed and answered. She immidiatley asked "What did Josh do?" I quietly groaned, I did NOT want to talk about this. "Why do you wanna know?" I asked her sincerely wondering. There was silence and then... "Uh... Because I can help you! We can get over this together! Just tell me." She responded. I wonder... It sounds like she's trying to hide somthing...


Ok good... shes explaining... Ok so she had felt like Josh had kinda been avoiding her these past days. Somthing about a nightmare? What? Anyway, then when she was doing her solo he wasent there at all... ugg IM GETTING MAD... Then when she came to watch Maddie before she went he was screaming his head off and cheering which obviously meant he liked her now! Thats all she saw before she ran away in tears. UGGGGGG JOSH YOU SUCK HOW COULD YOU HURT POOR CHLOE! OH IM MAD... "Ok Chlo." I said to her trying to keep her off my tail. She said bye Paigey and hung up. I tied my hair up and walked to the closet, which Josh was locked in (I just put him in there so he wasent in the room when I called Chloe) Now that I knew the story I could fully intaragate my brother. I only turned the handle a bit and CRASH! Josh jumped onto me and we both crashed into our rooms mini fridge. I pushed him off me. "Josh! How could you break Chloes heart?" I asked. "I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY ON EARTH WOULD I DUMP CHLOE??????????? SHES PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Josh screamed at me. Whats wrong with him? He needs to own up to his stupid mistake and I NEED to fix it!


Paige is yelling at me for... DUMPING MY BABE?! THATS RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!! Shes my one true love and I would never make her feel sad. "I did not!" I shouted at her. She gave me this "shut up and stop lying" look and I wasent buying it. "Seriously Paigey... What can I do to prove it to you?" I said shaking her shoulders. She rolled her aqua blue eyes and pulled my hands off her shoulders. "Look Josh I want to believe you..." I slapped myself in the face and dropped down to my knees. " I SWEAR I DIDENT! WHAT CAN I DO?" I screamed tugging at her jacket. There was silence. What was she thinking of...


Hmmmm... What can you do to prove it to me huh... Oh got 1! I removed his hands from my jacket and crossed my arms looking down at his miserable looking body. "Josh... If you run to her hotel room get down on your knees and beg desperatley... Then I will see you still love her and it was all a misunderstanding." I told him my aqua blue eyes peircing him. He stood up motioned for me to follow him and walked out the door without saying anything.


I was cradeling my body as I leaned against the wall. The Hylands room was lidderally next door (We arranged that) and I could hear Josh and Paige bickering. Ugg. Why did Paige have to be SUCH a good friend? I told her not to meddle but in true Paige fashion she MUST help! All of a sudden I hear a knock at the door. I wipe tears off my cheeks fix my camis straps and walk as strong as I can to the door.I pulled open the door and... There they were Paige and Josh. I never realized how much they looked alike except for their shade of blue eyes and their hair color. The pale skin the long legs the button nose the thin eyebrows the small ears the high cheek bones. Anyways my eyes began to water. I looked at Paige and she motioned for Josh to get down. He got down on his knees and said "I dont know what I did... but I am so sorry. Paige told me stuff and I think thats why your upset. So just know I never was going to cheer for Maddie I was going to be there for..." That was I all I needed to hear. But not to forgive him Oh no... The fact that he even brought up Maddie was enough to make my kindness go away for a brief second and...


Josh was trying to apoligise just as I had told him. He really dident mean to break Chloes heart. He still loved her  and that was enough for me but apparently not Chloe. She slammed the door and smashed his gesturing fingers in it. He slowly pulled them out one by one and we both walked back to the room to get dressed for the group number. I had just realized there was really nothing I could do now.


So now I am leaning against the wall icing my fingers well Paige and Brooke are getting dressed (Brooke just came back) I could hear Paige telling her everything that just happened. I heard soft slow sobs and they had that angelic sound... I forgot we were right next door! The wall was so thin I could feel the back of Chloes head pressed on the wall. I could see the inprint of her delicate hand grasping the wall and I pressed my hand against hers. There was that brief moment where that familiar shot of electricity shot through me but then knowin that was my hand probably she pulled hers off and walked away. Paige and Brooke did their usual thing. They always exit the batheroom or wherever they changed doing a front walkover and then they hit a pose to show of their costumes. My sisters looked beautiful as always. Paige had a light purple v neckline knee cap length swirly dress and Brooke had a silver one strap bra and a silver stringed long open in the front skirt. I sat up and hugged them because they were my sisters and when I needed support they were there for me. I walked in the batheroom to get changed.


Me and Kenz were waiting in the lobby for the rest of the girls like Abbey told us to. Nia arrived and we hugged and she picked up Kenz. Nia was wearing a lemon colored cut off neckline knee cap length swirly dress. I had on a mint green one strap knee cap length swirly dress. Mackenzie had on a deep orange spaghetti strap cami and a short orange skirt. Abbey thought the dresses should just be for the older girls. Kendall ran down reapplying her lipstick ( She always does that when she gets nervous) we all hugged her. She had on a chocklate brown sweetheart neckline knee cap length swirly dress. The Hylands walked down. Oh Josh looked so good! By the end of the night he would be mine for good... He had on an elbow length white shirt to show off his muscles with loose cut light colored jeans. To top it off he had a light pink flower in his shirt pocket in which he was supposed to give to the girl he chose at the end and my plan was almost complete... And thats when it looked like time froze. Chloe walked down the stairs. She was wearing a diamond sky blue colored no strap knee cap swirly dress. Her makeup was so perfect and the dress looked so good on her. I saw Brooke out of the corner of my eye stick her arms out. She dident even need to see Josh to know he was gonna pass out any minute... and down he went into Brookes catching arms. Chloe said to us "Hey guys!" well Paige and Kendall were clapping trying to wake Josh up. When he was up his mouth still gaping open we all linked arms and walked backstage. Finally its time...

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