Chapter 12: The footage

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FINNALLY! Its morning! Today is when me and Chloe learned our solos and then were going to the first half of the competion! YAY! Now I needed to WOW Josh with my solo and also no one knows my plan for the group number... We drove to dance and when we walked in the lobby Kendall and Nia were stretching they waved at me and I waved back and smiled. I walked in to where abbey was waiting for me in room A.


I can't wait for Me Paige and Nias trio! When Maddie walked in me and Nia waved and played it cool but really we were talking about how she treated Chloe! Nia said as I was saying Maddie was spying on something in room B and with the way she has been treating Chloe I'm sure it was her. I immediately said HEY we should check the security tapes and see what happened! Nia said yeah that would be awesome! This was perfect! I said we would do it tomorrow right before we left for the competion. She gave me a thumbs up and we went to watch Maddie.


Maddie looked beautiful as always and I wished we were still friends. Nia and Kendall looked happy about something...I wonder what? When Maddie finished everyone clapped. Abbey said we could all take a break and Nia and Kendall ran off quickly. I motioned Paige to meet me outside. She followed me. What she asked. I told her Kendall and Nia were up to something. We both saw them sneak up the back stairs. Paige smiled and said let's go! We followed them.


Me and Chloe saw Nia and Kendall rushing up the back stairs I could see in those big brown eyes of hers she wanted to check it out. I said lets go and we slowly crept up the stairs. Chloe gently opened the door at the top of the stairs. We could see Kendall typing in yesterday's date on then security cameras. Nia pointed to section D. After a few seconds Chloe went really pale...


OH NO! Nia and Kendall found the tape of me and Josh...Josh...hmmm...NO snap out of it me and Josh dancing! Paige started to giggle and so did Kendall and Nia. I started tearing up and I quickly ran down the stairs without Paige.


IT WAS SO CUTE! Chloe and Josh dancing! Bong bong bong...someone was running down the steps! Me and Kendall stood up. We slowly opened the door...PAIGE? She said hi and pointed to Chloe who was crying and running down the steps. All 3 of us looked at each ether and we all ran after her.


Uggh! That was private. I'm so embarrassed! I could hear them running after me and I ran faster. Chloe they shouted loudly. I got to the bottom and hid behind the curtain.


Oh poor Chloe! We didn't mean to hurt you we only wanted to find out about Maddie! When we got down there we all searched. Nia looked in the closet Paige looked in the bathroom and I stood there. I saw movement behind the den curtain. I pulled it up and saw her in a ball crying. I smiled and she thankfully laughed. I said we were sorry and she wiped away a tear and said its ok. Paige and Nia came and we all hugged.

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