Let the race begin

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Ash and Serena approached the large gate ready to leave the palace, the sun was rising over the tree line, the wild pokemon were waking up and ready to start the day of activities, the gate started to creak as it slowly started to open, "ready Ash, because I will not lose to you," Serena declared with a smile," she returned her gaze to the gate and waited for it to open for a moment, her Fennekin at her feet waiting for the gate to finally open.

Ash remained calm as his partner pokemon got ready to start the race, "I won't lose either," Ash replied, he turned around and extended his hand out to the blonde haired trainer, "good luck you're going to need it," Ash said with a playful grin.

"Not as much as you, now one more rule we need to go with, in this region we can ride pokemon, there will be none of that unless you need to," Serena went over the rule she forgot to mention the previous night, "like for instance I need to do something in a town south of Cyllage City, so I will need to ride a pokemon to get to a certain cave," Serena pointed out while extending her hand out, the wind started to pick up causing her hair to whip around a little, she shook her rivals hand and nodded happily at him, 'I know what I would like to have from Ash, but I am still not one hundred percent certain if he will accept,' Serena thought to herself as she let go of his hand and turned back to the gate as it finally opened.

"So this race is on foot," Ash acknowledged. Ash turned back to the open gate and smiled, "ready," Ash started with confidence.

Serena got ready to start the race, "set."

"Go!" Ash and Serena yelled in unison before running down the road towards the intended target, the two rivals continued down the tree lined road, ignoring the people coming their way, they easily side stepped on their way towards the end of the path, "see you later!" the yelled at one another before turning towards their respective paths Ash towards Lumiose City and Serena heading towards Cyllage City.

Serena stopped running to see the road lined with flowers on the left and on her right a large river leading towards the cave, she looked up ahead to see a large building made of bricks, built on land that was surrounded by water, she walked up to it and started to think about some training for her pokemon, she hadn't done much trainer but sort of knew that it would be for the better, it might have slowed her down but it would be worth it for her in the end to make her team stronger, "I think I can slow down a bit, Ash won't be in much of a hurry either," Serena told herself, she pulled out her pokeball and recalled her starter pokemon. The blonde trainer walked up to the entry way and knocked on the door.

The door opened and a woman dressed in a black dress with a white apron allowed her in, "welcome to the Battle Chateau," the woman greeted the young trainer, Serena looked around the highly decorated main foyer and started to broadly smile at herself, "this place is where the rich can hone their skills, but a normal trainer can be invited," the woman stated, standing next to the inexperienced trainer, she pointed towards the stairways where there were sounds of battles coming from the top floor.

"Is this the perfect place for training, I have a rival I would like to beat in battle someday," Serena proclaimed while holding her starter pokemon's pokeball, the lady nodded and pointed towards the two doors in front of them, "thank you, I will get to some battling now," Serena decreed while walking up to one of the doors in the building.

Serena opened the door on the left to find a rich trainer standing waiting for a trainer to battle her, "ah a young lady is here to battle me," the gentleman stated with a smile, he walked up to the trainer and bowed at her, "a quick one on one battle sound good to you?" the man asked Serena calmly.

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