Ash's determination

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After more than two months of recovery Ash walked around the city to see the recovery continuing at an amazing pace, Ash looked back still wondering where Serena was, "I guess she went on ahead to finish her gym challenge, I don't mind it one bit, but why without telling me?" Ash asked himself with a slight hint of sadness, 'no calls, not even a letter from her,' Ash thought while his partner pokemon shrugged his shoulders.

Ash walked towards a building and started to help an elderly man out, "thank you young man," the old man thanked Ash as he helped push up a wall to help with the final part of the rebuild. "You are a polite young man," the elderly man declared while pulling out a small item from his pocket, a golden coin that shone in the sun, "this coin has been in my family for many generations, it is said to increase the wealth of the person who uses it," the man stated while Ash pushed the item back towards the old man.

Ash stepped back and smiled proudly at the house, "no, you keep it, helping people out is the least I can do at the moment," Ash replied while the old man put the coin in his pocket.

"You are also very modest," the old man stated while Ash turned towards the other places that needed help.

"Nothing to worry about, I guess, life is really short, so helping out where I can, that can make life really fulfilling," Ash remarked while the old man burst out into laughter.

"You talk like you will be dying soon, you're young you should easily have more years than me," the man with grey hair stated while Ash walked away.

"Yeah I guess I am, but there are these visions that seem so real, that I cannot avoid them in anyway," Ash replied while taking a deep breath, Ash petted his partner pokemon on the head and looked towards the clock on the city's gym, 'how much more time until that battle?' Ash wondered to himself with a concerned expression, 'Serena, are you almost ready to face the Pokemon League?' Ash asked even more questions as he walked and started to consider helping more people out. Ash looked at his left arm and thought about the battle at the Pokeball Factory, 'I am not one hundred per cent healed,' Ash reminded himself as he continued down the road.

Ash walked up to the gym thinking about his training days since he was injured, his thoughts soon drifted to Serena. Wondering why she didn't tell him that she went on ahead, he had always thought that she went to get the rest of her badges, "it doesn't seem like her to rush off without telling me, I know she is my rival Pikachu, but," Ash stated with a frown, he approached the gym and knocked on the door.

Valerie opened the door to greet Ash, "I have told you many times in these months, not until you are better," Valerie stated while glaring at her soon to be challenger, "Serena told me not to…." Valerie started before ending the sentence.

"What did Serena say, it isn't like her to keep things quiet from me," Ash replied in frustration, he stopped the door from closing by putting his foot near the door frame, "Valerie, I am fine, let me in so I can get my next gym badge," Ash ordered the gym leader with a sneer, he forced open the door and forced his way passed the slightly older woman.

"Serena told me not to let you battle until you were all healed up, she is worried about you, so she told me to wait until you recovered," Valerie explained Serena's concerns to Ash.

Ash shook his head and started to wonder more about his girlfriend, "I haven't seen her in nearly three months, did she go on ahead?" Ash asked the gym leader with a concerned expression.

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