The new aura guardian

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Serena looked back towards the seaside city, wondering why she couldn't gather the courage to tell Ash how she felt, wondering how he was going. Serena turned her attention towards the distance and started walking towards her next destination, her goals clear, she was determined to surpass Ash and defeat him at the Kalos League, "right, now my path is set, I will battle Ash in the Kalos League and defeat him," Serena reminded herself while clenching her fists in a determined manner. Serena felt the gentle sea breeze push onto her face and the sounds of the waves crashing on the shore.

Serena knew that there wasn't much between her and the next city, it was then that she decided to take a break from her travels and rest for a little bit, she spotted a large tree and approached it with the intent of having a small break. The trainer pulled out her pokeballs from her pocket and called out her pokemon, "alright guys, we are going to have a break, so please stay nearby," Serena instructed her pokemon while taking a seat with her back on the tree, she pulled out her book and looked at it for a moment, 'let's see, where was I?' Serena enquired quietly as she placed the back of her pen on her lips.

Serena looked at her team of pokemon and started to think about her journey so far, "all my pokemon are really strong, even in this journey finding out what I want to do," Serena told herself while writing her story so far.

Serena looked out towards the ocean and started to think about how Ash was going, it was then her vision started to get blurry and her head was starting to hurt, 'what's going on?' Serena asked herself while dropping her book to clutch her head.

Not realising that she had fallen to the ground she started to see something, she was in a building of some sort, she looked around to see Ash and herself rushing down the stairs chasing after a member of Team Flare. Serena watched as they entered the door, "what is this?" Serena asked herself as she tried to move towards the door, it was then a ball of fire leapt out of the room with smoke billowing out, the blonde haired trainer gasped in horror, placing her hands over her mouth, "oh no Ash!" Serena yelled out in shock as she tried to make her way to the room. She started to noticed that she couldn't move forward, but she was being pushed back towards wall.

Serena started to wake up with a cold sweat pouring down her face and arms, panting heavily she looked up to her pokemon who were concerned for their trainer, "it's alright I am fine guys," Serena assured her pokemon with a nervous smile, she picked up her book as her hands started to shake from what she had seen, 'what was that?' Serena asked herself as her aura pokemon started to glare at her.

She wanted to write her journey so far, but her hands were shaking so much that her normal handwriting was a complete mess, "I cannot write, I want people to know about my journey, why does that vision scare me so much, it felt real," Serena reminded herself while slowly removing her pen from her book.

Serena looked up to her pokemon who were concerned for her, "hey guys, I am fine, when I meet up with Ash again, I will have nothing to worry about," Serena assured her pokemon while looking up to the bright blue sky. the blonde haired trainer started picturing him with the clouds as a backdrop, she started to close her eyes to get some sleep under the tree she was sitting under.

(In Dream World)

After being asleep for some time Serena started to have her own little dream, she was at the beach in white dress, the sky was bright red with a bright yellow disc descending on the horizon, she spotted Ash who was approaching her in a black suit with a smile on his face, "Ashy!" Serena called out to Ash while running towards him.

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