Chaotic Beginning pt. 2

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"I see there is a Pikachu in your backpack, I think that was the one that I battled against," the pink haired flare member pointed out with a smirk, her royal pokemon let out a powerful roar and got ready to battle Ash.

Ash unfazed knew that there was a tough battle at hand the ground continued to shake with the vicious explosions, Lucario stared at the opposing pokemon while waiting for the command, "Lucario, use Aura Sphere," Ash called for the first attack of the round.

"Yeah right, Flamethower," Malva instructed her pokemon. The fire type pokemon let loose a powerful fire attack as the aura pokemon formed a ball of aura; the two attacks were sent flying towards the opposing pokemon. The two attacks crashed into one another creating a powerful explosion, the shockwave caused parts of the building collapse onto the ground, knocking over trees as the two pokemon skidded across the ground and the two trainers remained standing as if nothing had happened, 'he is much stronger than that girl,' Malva thought to herself as she gritted her teeth while Ash's aura continued to protect him from the effects of the battle. "Pyroar, attack with Overheat," Malva demanded of her pokemon.

Ash stood on the spot and waited for the moment to dodge the attack, 'there is no need for me to use Bone Rush as a defense,' Ash thought as his eyes continued to stick on the Elite Four member, "Lucario, use Extreme Speed to dodge the attack," Ash ordered his pokemon. The aura pokemon ran to the left with incredible speed, Ash leapt to the left as the attack passed him, Ash looked back to see the devastating effects of the attack on the battle on the background, "now strike back with Aura Sphere," Ash gave out his order while kneeling on the ground, he stood back up and watched his teammate form a sphere in the palm of his hands before sending it towards the royal pokemon.

"Pyroar, defend it with Flamethrower," the flare member instructed her pokemon with slight panic in her voice. The fire type unleashed another powerful blast of flames at the incoming attack. As the flames made contact with the ball of aura, it was quickly overwhelmed by Lucario's attack and the flames were sent back towards the royal pokemon much to the dismay of Malva.

"Did you forget that Overheat weakens your pokemon?" Ash questioned the Elite Four member.

"Don't get so overconfident," Malva replied in anger, she looked at her pokemon and her pokemon leapt up ready to continue the battle against the trainer, "it will take more than just a puny Aura Sphere to defeat my Pyroar," Malva decreed while trying to remain calm.

"Is that so, well that is too bad I am just getting warmed up, besides hasn't your pokemon been in another battle, I guess that means I have a slight advantage," Ash explained the situation to the Team Flare elite, "Lucario, attack with Bone Rush," Ash instructed his pokemon in a hurried manner.

"Use Overheat again," Malva replied to Ash angrily. Ash shook his head as the royal pokemon unleashed another blast of flames at the trainer's pokemon.

"For an elite member of Team Flare you sure are stupid," Ash stated much to the displeasure of the fire type trainer, "Lucario leap into the air then strike," Ash instructed his pokemon with certainty. The Aura pokeomn jumped into the air with the assistance of the bone staff, not so long after the aura pokemon slammed his staff down on the fire type dealing immense damage to her, he then skilfully unleashed a powerful assault on the royal pokemon causing even more damage.

"I refused to be humiliated like this, Pyroar, return," Malva recalled her injured pokemon, the pink haired elite pulled out another pokeball, "Torkoal, time to heat things up," Malva called out a turtle like pokemon.

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