Unavoidable destiny

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Ash sat in his bed and looked at his charred clothes, thinking about what his mother would say, "I promised my mother that I would take care of my clothes," Ash told his pokemon with a nervous smile, he got out of the bed and walked towards the window, thinking about the defeat that he and Serena had suffered at the hands of Team Flare and Team Rocket, 'just what are they planning?' Ash wondered while looking out of his room, dressed in his hospital clothes he wondered how Serena was going in her gym battle.

"Excuse me sir," a young woman called towards Ash.

"Yes nurse," Ash replied while keeping his gaze out to the city.

"The Lunch orders are about to happen, would you like to get ready to place your orders?" the nurse dressed in white asked the trainer serenely.

Ash turned towards the nurse as she placed the paper on the injured trainer's bed, Ash looked at it for a moment and smiled, "geez this is great, Serena was the one placing my orders, now I need to make my order with one hand," Ash complained while laughing at his misfortune, "hey buddy do mind holding the paper down while I make my order?" Ash asked his small yellow companion. Ash looked at the different types of food and started to wonder, "come to think of it Serena also did some baking for me," Ash said while thinking about his order some more.

"Okay, I will order two pizzas and for desert I will have three stacks of Pancakes," Ash stated while putting down his order, "also for drinks I will have two litres of orange juice," Ash remarked as he nodded to his partner pokemon. The small electric mouse leapt off the piece of paper to allow his trainer to place the order for is lunch.

"Alright your order will be ready in just over an hour," the Nurse told Ash as she was given the paper from Ash.

Ash walked back into his room and then approached the window. Staring out seeing the city streets covered with snow, his concerns now due to the fact that people needed to rebuild the city, Ash turned towards his partner pokemon, "you know buddy, it will take a long time before this city recovers, so I will stay to help them," Ash promised while looking down towards his injured arm, "even with one arm," Ash sighed while keeping his eyes on the devastated city.

Meanwhile Serena looked around, parts of the insides of the gym were all over the place, destroyed in the battle for the Pokeball Factory, feeling guilty for the gym leader, she took a deep breath and walked further inside the gym, looking back to see if Ash had followed her, 'Ash, I guess this battle is for you as well,' Serena thought while looking around, "this place reminds me of a dollhouse," Serena whispered while.

As Serena walked through each of the floors a male voice echoed in her mind, 'quick Serena this way,' the familiar voice rang in her mind.

Serena immediately placed her hands on her head, 'was that Ash?' Serena asked herself while looking around, only to discover that Ash wasn't around.

'Serena watch out,' Ash's voice played in her mind. Serena who was on the ground seemingly asleep, the young woman started to see another vision this time they were in a fight against Team Flare, outnumbered with a powerful pokemon whose health seemed to be deteriorating.

Serena watched as the battle continued, 'what is this? Why am I seeing this?' Serena questioned the visions as an uneasy feeling crossed her thoughts, a sudden bright glow filled the room as an explosion ripped through, after the explosion she saw herself and Ash on the ground lifeless from the attack, but before she could see the next part of the vision a bright white glow filled the room ending the vision.

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