End of the road

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Prepare for defeat Ash," Serena told Ash, she sent out her fourth pokeball to bring out her next pokemon, "Delphox, let's go," Serena called for a bipedal pokemon, red fur on the lower half that looked like a dress, yellow fur on the upperbody, still seething at what she had heard, her mind was set on destroying Ash in the battle, "hurry up Ash," Serena rushed the trainer.

"I was better off not being immortal," Ash complained, he threw out his next pokeball, choosing his next combatant, "Zoroark, I choose you," Ash called for his own fox like pokemon, mostly coloured black.

"Flamethrower," Serena called for the first attack of the round recklessly.

"Zoroark, evade the attack, then use Shadow Ball," Ash ordered his dark type pokemon. Delphox exhaled a flurry of flames with Zoroark being the target, the torrent grew larger by the moment and gaining momentum, noticing what going on Ash raised a blue barrier in front of him, 'whao, she is pissed,' Ash thought as the flames cleared up, his pokemon nowhere in sight, 'I want to enjoy this battle, not be killed by it, oh wait,' Ash thought as he watched his pokemon launch a powerful purple sphere at the opposing pokemon.

"Defend with Mystic Fire," Serena gave out another command, the psychic type pokemon used his wand form a barrier of Flames to stop illusion pokemon's attack from hitting him, "now use Grass Knot," Serena called out to her pokemon to attack again.

"She is getting reckless," Ash whispered to himself, knowing that Serena had just lost her cool. "Zoroark, use Dark Pulse," Ash immediately ordered his powerful pokemon to counter attack, a dark wave of energy was emitted from the claws of the dark type pokemon, crashing into the opposing pokemon sending towards the female trainer. It was then that Ash notice something strange, a smile on Serena's face, 'wait, why is Serena smiling?' Ash questioned himself, now seemingly confused as to what was happening.

Dawn watched this and shook her head in amusement, 'I wonder how long it will take Ash to figure it out,' Dawn wondered as she waited to see what was going to happen.

'Wait a second how did Serena find out about the apartment being almost destroyed?' Ash wondered as it soon became apparent, "Dawn told her about half of the apartment being wiped out," Ash quickly assumed, "but there is also the fact that my memory is nowhere near that horrible, in fact I know nothing happened last night," Ash stated while the battle went into a moment of lull.

"Yeah, she did, I was a little upset at first, but when she explained what had happened," Serena admitted while laughing at the trainer's expense, "so Dawn and I decided to pull another prank on you," Serena explained to her rival who had fell back in shock, "glad it wasn't too convincing," Serena breathed a sigh of relief.

"Not too convincing? You almost scorched me!" Ash yelled out while Serena giggled at him. Ash started laughing while looking around to see the girls laughing at him, 'well at least they can work as a team, even at my expense,' Ash thought. Ash returned his focus to the battle, "pulling another prank on me, now it's payback time," Ash remarked glaring at Serena who was still laughing at the trainer.

"Opps I think we went a little too far with it," Serena admitted to herself. Watching her boyfriend who was visibly upset with the prank the two girls had pulled on him.


Serena was sleeping in the Hospital on her own, her phone started ringing, the young woman picked up slowly waking up, "Dawn, feeling a little better?" Serena asked her friend.

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