Towards one's future

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After a good night's sleep Ash walked into the main foyer ready to face the new day's challenge, yawning and stretching his arms while walking through the main foyer, only two things seem to have crossed his mind the gym leader of the city and wining the badge and the fact that he had a race against Serena, he grabbed some breakfast and sat down to think about the upcoming battle against the cites gym leader, "I hope the gym leader gives me a three on three battle today," Ash said with a nervous tone.

Ash continued towards the gym while figuring out what pokemon to use, while the same time wondering what pokemon were going to be used against him, "you know buddy, after we win this badge, we must complete this little race," Ash commented with pride.

Ash continued walked into a building and spotted a man swinging from one vine to another, "yes this is great," the elderly man said while Ash stood in shock at what he had seen.

Ash stood in awe at the elderly man swinging from left to right, "Pikachu, did you just see that?" Ash asked his partner pokemon who was in equal shock, he nodded with his mouth open, 'great looks like I have to face someone with the same habit as Iris,' Ash thought as he walked towards the center of the gym.

"Come on Weepinbell you have to do better than that," the elderly man commented while being followed by a yellow pokemon.

Ash stood in the middle of the gym and placed his hands around his mouth, "excuse me, I would like to have a gym battle," Ash requested, he waited for the gym leader to climb down from the vine, "I can't believe I am having to deal with this, I wonder if Serena is having better luck than me," Ash whispered while being approached by a diminutive man with a green jacket and beret, blue pants and a walking cane shaped like scissors.

The man approached Ash while placing his left hand behind his back, "so whippersnapper, you want to challenge me to a battle?" the elderly man asked the young trainer while walking around the young trainer.

"Yes sir, I seek your gym badge," Ash replied with a nervous tone.

"You seem like a strong trainer, how does three on three sound to you?" the gym leader asked the trainer calmly.

Ash nodded in approval while watched in the old man walk slowly towards the gym leader's side of the building, "um sir, would it be alright if I help you out?" Ash asked quietly.

The old gym leader looked back and smiled, "I have never asked for help, I may be old, but I will not have some young'un help me out," the man replied with a smile, "now young man, who may you be?" the gym leader asked quietly.

"My name is Ash Ketchum sire, from Pallet Town," Ash answered in a respectful manner.

"The Kanto region, you have travelled a distance young Ash, my name is Ramos," the elderly gym leader remarked as he introduced himself to the challenger, "well young man, are you going to battle me? Or are we going to wait for the next day?" the man known as Ramos questioned the trainer about the battle.

Ash rushed to his side of the battlefield, readied himself for battle against the senior trainer, "Alright, Pancham I choose you," Ash called for his first pokemon to battle the gym leader.

"Gogoat, let's go," the old man called out his first pokemon to battle Ash,

"Alright, I guess I will be seeing what these pokemon are like in battle," Ash stated while his pokemon got ready to face the larger pokemon, "let's start things off with Comet Punch," Ash instructed his fighting type pokemon.

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