Amour in lumiose

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It had been over a week since he left Cyllage City, Ash was leaving the Battle Chateau brimming with pride, he was looking at his pokeball and wondered what was next, "now my Gabite has become a mighty Garchomp, there is nothing holding me back," Ash celebrated with great joy, remembering the battle the made his pokemon evolve into the final stage , Ash was walking down a large route towards the major City, the river front to his left and a line of flowers were to his right a large building was on a large island surrounded by the waters of the river, "you know buddy, this place is really nice, every time I see something in this region, I grow more in love with this region," Ash pointed out while looking around some more to view the surrounding area, small pink pokemon hovered in the air while a cluster of small white pokemon shaped like clouds were walking through the flower fields.

Ash felt the wind pick up, the flowers aroma started to waft passed his nose, he closed his eyes and took in the peaceful surroundings, it was then he received an image in his mind a large blue and black four legged pokemon with large antlers appeared in his mind, in front of that pokemon was a group of people wearing red suits, "what's this?" Ash asked himself in shock as the pokemon seemed to have been dying, he looked towards the ground, but before he could see who they were he was forced to open his eyes by Pikachu who was calling for him, 'odd, was that a future event?' Ash asked himself.

Ash continued to walk down the road noticing the Beautiflies that fluttered overhead, and the Magikarps leaping out of the water, the trainer thought back to the tournament in Shalour City, remembering the kiss on his cheek, "you know Pikachu, I only met Serena nearly two months ago, but now, I feel nervous meeting her in Lumiose City," Ash professed while walking slowly towards the next town.

Ash walked away from the road which led to the Parfum Palace and thought about the time the two had watching the fireworks together, he chuckled while his partner pokemon looked at his nervous expression, "yeah I know buddy, but what do I say, definitely cannot rely on Brock," Ash joked while remembering his failed attempts at getting a girlfriend, remembering the people that dragged him away, first Misty, then Max followed by his own Croagunk, fearing that he might be dragged away by his partner pokemon.

Meanwhile nearing the City Serena was getting closer wondering what her next gym battle would be like, she looked at her pokeball containing her Lucario and wondered whether Ash was alright, her visions of the future which contained the legendary pokemon seemed to have haunted her a little, but was uncertain as to what they meant.

Serena continued through the barren lands that lead to Lumiose City, her eyes started to brighten knowing that she would soon be meeting Ash again, "oh right, I will be seeing him again, this time for sure I will tell him," Serena decreed while clenching her hands, she looked towards the major city and started to think about the person she met earlier, "he was an odd person," Serena whispered while picturing the tall man.


"It has been three thousand years," the man with a homeless look sporting long white hair, he looked towards the distance with a downtrodden expression.

Serena stood intimidated by the size of the man, "he said three thousand years?" Serena whispered in awe at the age of the man.

"That's right little girl, I was given eternal life, it is nothing but a curse, given to me by Xerneas," the mysterious person retorted with a frown, he looked away from the woman and towards the sky, "my pokemon Floette also left me," the man stated while starting to walk away from the woman.

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