Snow storm

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The fields were filled to the brim with pokemon, the snow was melting at a rapid rate as the warmer weather started to set in, with the hopes of a strong finish to the Kalos adventure, Ash pulled out his badge case and looked at the six badges with great pride, "you know Pikachu, just two more badges to get and we can enter the Kalos League," Ash pointed out with great joy. Ash looked towards the distance seeing the mountains that dominated the scenery, "I guess we will need to get through more snow," Ash complained while shaking his head.

Ash kept his attention on the road ahead, his gaze firmly set on the pokemon and the greening of the trees, awestruck by the beauty of the location he was walking in, "this place is really amazing," the trainer complimented the scenery, he continued down the path but this time he had a smile on his face, 'she can't hide it,' Ash thought as he began to laugh, "better pretend that she isn't there," Ash remarked, continuing down the road with a cheeky grin on his face.

Ash continued down the road with Serena following close behind, "I guess he knows I am here," Serena pointed out while looking at her pokeball thinking about the training she had with her pokemon.

"You know Pikachu, the visions I have been seeing have stopped recently, it must mean that the times we are going to see will happen soon," Ash explained, he looked at his left arm and grasped it, 'I haven't fully recovered, but I know I am not too far off,' Ash reminded himself, he looked towards the growing trees and the pokemon walking around ground grabbing the new food which seemed abundant.

Approaching the trees he grasped a few berries, "here buddy," Ash handed over the small blue berry to his first pokemon.

The cold air continued to surge in the area the trainer was in he sat down, his thoughts firmly on the blonde haired trainer, "you know buddy I almost made a mistake a while ago, " Ash admitted quietly as he bit down on the berry, eating the berry he thought back to the Christmas celebrations with Serena, "alright time to go, I cannot dwell on that stuff," Ash stated while getting back up and allowing his Pikachu back onto his left shoulder. Ash started walking towards the next town, the clouds started to clear up and the bright blue sky appeared surrounding the massive mountains of the region.

Meanwhile in the town a group of men dressed in red approached the windmill that had a large icicle appearance and large building surrounding it, "sir, we have discovered a way to increase the power of mega-evolution," one of the men announced while looking up towards the mountain peaks.

"Excellent, very soon Lysandre will have the most powerful pokemon in the world," the Flare admin stated, they approached the mountains with the hope of getting the extra power they needed to defeat Team Rocket, "also, with team Rocket in the mix we cannot let them keep going with their plans," he said calmly, the battle from two months earlier played back in his mind.

"So Team Flare is preparing for their final mission," a person wearing black whispered to his superior.

"Yes it seems so, but it will not matter, we still have one trump card, Yveltal," the rocket member stated quickly, he placed his binoculars over his eyes to scan what Team Flare was up to, "just what is their plan, they still haven't used the Master Ball," the spy wondered out loud.

The rocket group rushed off to report their findings to their boss, the last battle was about to take place, everything to them was coming together much like the plans of Team Flare, the countdown was on for the final confrontation with Team Flare, every mission was leading to the last battle against them.

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