On the road again

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There we go, Xerneas can rest easily with no one to disturb you," Serena commented she proudly looked at the tree form and nodded, "one day Ash and I will see you again," Serena whispered as she turned away, walking towards the exit of the dark cave, with her Pikachu on her left shoulder, the young woman made it outside, the bright, yet very warm day continued on, it had been a few days since she last saw Ash, but knew full well that Ash was well on his way to winning his eighth badge, "well, time to see how my mom is going," Serena chimed with pride.

Serena called out her Salamence and jumped onto her back, "alright Salamence fly south," Serena instructed her pokemon calmly. The powerful dragon let out a roar and flapped her wings, the dragon took off and flew south towards her home town.

Meanwhile in Vaniville Town, Serena's mother was preparing her lunch not expecting to see her daughter, it had been a few months since she last saw her daughter, even on the phone, she looked towards her Flatchling and then outside the window to see her Rhyhorn resting peacefully, "I wonder how Serena is going," Grace wondered to herself outloud, taking a sip from her cup of tea.

Grace walked to the lounge room and sat down, she turned on the TV to see what was on, as usual there was nothing worth watching, maybe she was waiting for the Kalos League to see her daughter battle, or she was concerned for her daughter's well-being, "I hope I can see her again, I miss her sassy outbursts," Grace admitted to herself, 'but then again, she is an adult, so her going out on her own is something to be expected,' Grace reminded herself.

Outside the house Serena landed on the front lawn, not bothering to recall her mighty Salamence, she rushed up to the door with great excitement, she knocked on the door, not wanting to wait for her mother to find out that she had just arrived, "mom, I have come to visit for a while!" Serena yelled out with joy.

Grace opened the door to greet her daughter, "Serena, how long has it been, since I last saw you home?" Grace asked happily embracing her daughter for the first time in a while.

"I think it has been eight months mom," Serena replied happily.

Grace let go of her hug and allowed her daughter inside the house, "you know, you have grown a lot, I also see that you have a Salamence as well as a cute little Pikachu," Grace pointed out with great pride.

Serena picked up her pokeballs and called out her other four pokemon, "Blaziken, Delphox, Florges and Lucario, come on out," Serena called out her strongest team of pokemon, "I have other pokemon, but Professor Sycamore has the rest of my pokemon," Serena proclaimed as she walked into the kitchen behind her mother.

"Wow, you have gotten more confident, I bet if I asked you to reconsider your stance on Rhyhorn racing, you will say no right?" Grace asked her daughter calmly.

Serena nodded at her mother's enquiry, she closed her eyes and thought about the future, "mom, I want to see the world," Serena professed her interest in traveling. The blonde haired trainer pulled out a photo of her clinging to Ash's left arm, she placed it on the table for her mother to see, "during the Kalos League you will meet him," Serena explained everything to her mother.

"Oh I see, so this is the man that you want to be with, I must admit, he is pretty handsome," Grace looked at the photo of the two enjoying one another's company, 'this is the happiest I have seen her, how can I get in the way of that?' Grace asked herself with a proud expression.

"Mom, in three months' time, I will be competing in the Kalos League, I am inviting you to come along," Serena invited her mother to the event.

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