Chapter 17 Marinette has PTSD (2)

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🐞Marinette's view🐞

I woke up and decided to go down to work on an assignment due. Luckily all the kwami's had decided to go to their home as Adrien forgot to knock and came in with a plate of food.

"Hi Marinette!" he greeted me.

I screamed and started hyperventilating. I knew that it was just Adrien and possibly Alya, but even so I was overreacting to a simple greeting.

"Don't do that!" I yelled "You scared the crap out of me" then I burst into tears "Sorry, I know that I am overreacting, I don't know what is wrong with me."

"It's ok Marinette." Adrien smiled at me "Sometimes I am a bit like this at home. Particularly when Father is unsatisfied with everything I do."

"I'm sorry" I say and fall silent, I can't even begin to imagine how hard that would be, having such high expectations of you then being treated so coldly if you fail. My parents are so warm and loving.

"It's ok Marinette, I am use to it."

"But you shouldn't have to be!" Flew out my mouth before I even thought about what I was saying "You're entitled to have a loving family too, you know! You're welcome here whenever you need kisses and cuddles and cookies!" And then it hit me what I just said. I went a bright red and said in a squeaky high voice "Ahhh, that's if you want too - I know you have Kagami and...I'll just shut up now!"

Adrien just smiled "Thanks Marinette, you're a good friend."

And I died at those words, I turned sadly away and went back to the assignment I was working on. "Yeah, a good friend..." I repeated sadly.

Adrien came over and sat next to me looking at my assignment he commented "Wow, your organised Marinette, I haven't started that particular one yet."

"I try to finish all of them asap as the akumas through my timetable and if I didn't do them early I probably would be know, like my attendance..." I chuckle at the joke.

"I understand, but my attendance is about as good as yours, talking about which, here's my notes for this afternoons class." He said pulling the notes out.

"Thanks Adrien!" I smile as an akuma alarm went off.

"I better go, photo shoot, you know?" Adrien excused himself.

"Sure! Thanks for the notes and cookies, take some with you!" I say.

Adrien grabbed a handful and left "Thanks Marinette! See you tomorrow!"

After he left I locked my door and said "Tikki! Spots on!" And yo-yoed off to the akuma. Chat arriving not long afterwards.

I broke out in a cold sweat watching the akuma and froze, panicked.

Chat looked at me "Are you ok M'Lady? Do you have a plan?"

"No I don't," I admitted.

"Ok then" and he went to jump into attack the person.

He was about to be hit when my yo-yo wrapped around his waist and I yanked him back. "DON'T DO THIS TO ME AGAIN- YOU SILLY CAT!"

"Do what? M'Lady? He asked "Not to point out the obvious but why did you pull me out I am sure I could have gotten the akumastised object."

"You would have been dead before you got it and I... I don't want to see that again!" I say tearing up and my voice trembling.

"Awww, M'Lady loves me" Chat said giving me a hug.

"Shut up! You stupid cat!" I retort, my hesitancy ended, I could finally see what to do.

"Lucky charm!" I received an eraser "Chat, if you could cataclysm or break that bracelet of theirs. I believe that is where the akuma is."

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