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"We're being sent where exactly?" Hunter asked as Tech powered up the ship

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"We're being sent where exactly?" Hunter asked as Tech powered up the ship. "Statera. An interesting planet with interesting people who posses unique abilities to manipulate natural elements. They are known as the elementals." Tech replied, pulling the information from his mind. After being briefed on their latest mission, he felt the obvious need to do as much research as possible on the planet that they were being deployed to. "And why are they sending us?" Hunter asked again. "Because we get the job done!" Wrecker cheered from behind him. Tech only sighed as the ship's engines roared to life. "The senate, or more specifically chancellor Palpatine, can't afford to loose such a powerful ally to the separatist or even loose such a powerful potential ally in general. Therefore, when General Grevious made threats on the king of Statera's life, he chose to send us for our success rates are an astounding one hundred percent." "We're effective." Crosshair summed up his words for him and Tech nodded. "Precisely." "I've never heard of this place before. What's it like?" Wrecker asked and Tech was more then ready to answer and share his research with his brothers. "The planet is divided into five groups, a mountainous clan is in the Western Hemisphere, a kingdom of vastly snow, ice, and oceans is to the north, a tribe filled with rich and fertile forests is to the east, and a thickly desert climate city is to the south. In the central of the planet is a large city, like Coruscant on a smaller scale, and it is the largest population of non elementals on the planet." Tech explained as he punched in the coordinates of the distant planet. "So where on this planet are we going?" "To the north. That's where the king lives." "Oh but we just got back from a snowy mission!" Wrecker complained. "Not to worry, we are visiting in their summer months so the snow and ice won't be as abundant as it would be in the winter, however it will still be cold and there may be a few snow banks that haven't melted quite yet." Tech replied before finally engaging the ship's hyperdrive.

"The senate is sending a supposed elite group of soldiers to watch over my life." The king explained as he walked through his elegant palace made completely of ice and crystal as he held his mighty silver trident at his side, a symbol of his power and status. The captain of his royal guard followed him, listening intently to what the king had to say. "The senate? But I thought we weren't getting involved in the war." The captain replied. "Besides, I am the head of your army. Do they not think I am responsible enough to protect you? To protect my own people?" "Calm down." The king, Poseidon, commanded softly. The captain sighed, regaining their composure. "You're right. My apologies." "There is no need." The king replied with a small smile. "You know I trust you with my life." He added. "The clone reinforcements of my own personal guard are merely a pleading gift. They wish to win me over to their side of the war. They want to use our people as weapons, as if their own clone soldiers aren't enough. And the same goes for the separatists. They desire the same when they have armies upon armies of droids to do their bidding. They do not need elementals to get involved." "Of course my king." The captain replied politely. "But what do you wish for me to do?" The king sighed. "I want you to show hospitality to the soldiers. Keep them around for good measure but otherwise they are simply extra guards, a courtesy gift from the senate." "Your majesty," a spare soldier entered the room and interrupted the exchange between King and captain, "the clones are here."

"Sergeant Hunter I presume?" The clone leader was greeted by an unfamiliar woman clothed in a thick woolen tunic with animal furs draped over it for warmth. Her curly brown hair framed her tanned face and her icy blue eyes contrasted with the dark tint of her skin and hair. In her hand she held a staff made of wood with a thick pointed barb attached to the top with leather strips. "That would be me." Hunter replied with a curt nod, his men filing in behind him. "It's nice to finally meet the men the senate spoke so highly of." "With all due respect, miss, I was informed we would be meeting with the captain of the royal guard." The woman's expression did not faulter. "That would be me. My name is Koda." "You?" Wrecker shouted from behind hunter. "You're the captain?" Koda cracked a grin at them all. "But of course." "But you're just a girl." "Wrecker!" Hunter scolded but Koda smiled. "No it's alright. I assure you, no one is more qualified to lead the king's royal guard then I am." "So it would seem." Crosshair muttered. "Come with me, I will take you to Poseidon, he'll want a word with you all I'm sure."

"So these are the men the senate sent?" Poseidon spoke as he stroked the midnight black beard that hung from his chin. "You certainly don't look like clones." He muttered. "We're clones, your highness, just clones with desirable mutations." Hunter explained and the king nodded. "That would explain your exceptional success rate." "Exceptional? Ha! We're the best!" Wrecker shouted. "That would be the same as exceptional, Wrecker." Tech explained. "Oh." "As exceptional as you all may be, I'm afraid to tell you that you are not needed here." Wrecker groaned. "But we came all this way!" His brothers gave him a look before Hunter turned back to the king. "What do you mean?" "These threats are nothing new to me, and it's nothing my own personal guard cannot handle. They are all exceptionally trained water elementals led by the best of the best." "Koda?" "So you have met my captain!" Poseidon said with a small grin and Hunter nodded. "She is the most exceptional elemental I have ever known. Extremely skilled and strong in her abilities. That's something the lot of you have in common with her, you're good at what you do. Quite honestly, the best." "Your majesty," the king and the clones turned to see Koda, the woman of the hour, enter the room. "Ah, there She is." Poseidon said with a smile as he gestured to her. "My finest warrior." Koda gave a respectful nod but Hunter could tell her expression was stressed. "Your majesty, I regret to inform you a droid army has begun advancing on statera." "What?" Poseidon spat, his smile instantly vanishing. "Grevious." Hunter hissed. "Not to worry, we'll handle this." Hunter added. "I'm coming with you." Koda stated confidently. "No, let us do our job." Koda scoffed. "It's my job too. This is my home, it is my job as a soldier of the king to protect him and his people. I'm coming too."


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