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• Do You Wanna Build a Snowman? •

• Do You Wanna Build a Snowman? •

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One year later

"Faster Koda Faster!" Omega cheered as she held onto the neck of the ice horse. Koda had agreed today to finally take Omega out for a ride on her Nokk, her animal guide, before Hunter woke up and the family started to get moving. "Alright, Arlight!" Koda replied before clicking her tongue which caused the horse to trott even faster over plains of grass and flowers. The horse finally came to a halt on the banks of a near by river. "I think we need to give her a rest." Koda said as she jumped down from the ice creature before picking Omega up to help her down. "Even mythological creatures need their rest." Koda added and Omega giggled. "Where are we?" She asked and Koda looked around. "Looks like a river of some sort." Koda replied. Then an idea popped into her mind as she looked down at her adoptive daughter. "Do you wanna build a snow man?"

"Where exactly have you two been all morning?" Hunter asked as he finally saw the return of his wife and daughter. "We made a snowman!" Omega cheered as she hopped off of the ice horse and looked up at Hunter with a wide grin. "A really big one! Koda made the snow from the water of a river! It was so cool!" Omega added. "Oh did you now?" Hunter asked as he looked from Omega to Koda with a smug grin. He leaned over to press a small kiss to her lips and Omega couldn't help but giggle at the display. "How was Caleb this morning?" Koda asked, looking at the sleeping baby in Hunter's arms, as she followed him back to their home. "Your son is the same as always." Hunter replied. "He sleeps like a rock until noon, just like you most of the time." He replied and Koda couldn't help but giggle. "He's your son too. You did help with the process, remember?" "How could I forget." "EW!" Omega pipped up as she instantly covered her ears causing both of them to giggle. "You better wake him up, by the way." Hunter replied. Ever Since Caleb Okato was born the only person who could wake him up without having him burst into tears was his mother, Koda. However the only person who could get him to sleep was his father. Koda raised a brow at her husband. "And why's that?" "Because his uncles are coming for a visit today." "Yay! Uncle Wrecker, Tech, Echo, And Crosshair are coming!" Omega cheered as she ran through the home happily. Koda and Hunter both watched her with content smiles before Koda finally turned to Hunter, taking in the look of the man who had changed her life completely, for the better of course. "Hunter," She said softly causing him to look over at her with a hum. "I love you." She said softly and Hunter moved to wrap his arms around her waist, pulling her to him as he pressed a soft kiss on one of her burn scars that still lingered on her forehead. "I know."



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