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• "I Hope You Find What You're Looking For" •

Koda awoke the next morning only she wasn't laying on the floor as usual

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Koda awoke the next morning only she wasn't laying on the floor as usual. She was in Hunter's arms, pulled tauntly to his chest. She was warm, warmer then she had ever been. Growing up in a kingdom of ice and snow, warmth wasn't something she was entirely used to. But this warmth was nice. It was inviting and almost intoxicating. She needed to get up, to find Tech and ask how close they were to Bespin, but her comfort would not allow it. At this time, her mission to Bespin did not exist. All that existed in this moment was being held by Hunter and the safety that she felt with him in his arms. It wasn't until she heard the patter of small feet on the floor that her eyes fluttered open again. "Hunter?" She knew that small voice all too well. Omega. "Hunter, Tech is asking for you." Omega said as she walked over to Hunter's bunk. "Oh, good morning Koda." She said with a small smile when she realized Koda was there too, her mind much too innocent to connect any dots or to assume anything risqué. "Good morning, Omega." Koda said with a smile at the girl. "When Hunter wakes up can you tell him Tech needs him?" Omega asked and Koda nodded. "Of course." She replied and Omega ran off to find Wrecker to keep herself entertained. Koda watched as she trotted off, a small smile still tugged at her lips. "Your heart is beating really fast." Hunter finally muttered against her skin. His tone of voice was rough and fresh from sleep. "Sorry." Koda replied. She forgot his enhanced senses could some times pick up these sorts of things. "It's alright." Hunter said as he shifted to sit up. "The kid was in here, wasn't she?" He asked as he looked around the room before looking back at Koda who nodded. "She said Tech wanted to talk to you." She replied and the clone got up, beginning to put his armor on over his blacks. "Probably means we're here. Or at least close." Hunter said. "You should get up and get ready."

"Has the Empire made a presence for themselves in Bespin?" Hunter asked as he joined Tech and Echo in the cockpit of the ship. "From what I have researched, no." Tech replied. "But they are a part of a mining colony which does do a lot for the Empiee so I propose we be on our best guard." He added as he brought the ship into the atmosphere of the planet. "What's that about the Empire on Bespin?" Koda asked as she entered the cockpit and all heads turned to look at her. "We aren't certain." Echo replied. Koda sighed. "I was afraid of this." She muttered. "Do you need cover?" She asked as she turned to Tech. "It won't do too much good since the Empire could find us on their scanners." He replied. Thick and fluffy clouds could be spotted from the visor of the cockpit and they were washed in hues of orange, yellow, and purple. It was a beautiful sight. "Are you sure? I can keep it so the clouds surround us the whole time, we will be invisible to the naked eye." Koda replied and Tech seemed to consider it for a moment. "I believe we will be just as functional without it. But if my calculations change, I will let you know." He said and Koda nodded in response. "Woah..." The small voice of Omega could be heard from behind the group. Koda and Hunter turned to see the small girl walk into the cockpit, dragging Wrecker's Lula with her. "That's Bespin?" She asked as she looked at the pastel tinted clouds one last time before the ship flew straight in to them, bathing the cockpit in white light. "It's so beautiful! And bright!" she added and Wrecker was quick to enter the cockpit with them and lift her up on his shoulders. "Do you like it, lil'n?" He asked with a wide grin. "We are coming out of the clouds now." Tech said and his words were the perfect omen for once they left his mouth a city floating among the clouds to be in view. "Woah-" Omega muttered again, her eyes focusing on the floating city. "It's beautiful!"

"When you find this elemental," Hunter began as he followed Koda into the hold of the ship. She gathered her one belonging since she left Statera, the king's trident. "How are you gonna know she truly is what she says she is?" He asked and Koda's grip around the silver trident loosened for a moment as she turned to him. "Every elemental is marked, branded, as soon as they discover their powers." She rolled up her sleeve of her left arm to show him the deep blue mark of a trident seared into her tan skin. "Her's will be the outline of a feather, the marking of an elemental of air." Hunter's gloved fingers reached out to trace over the marking and as soon as his fingers made contact with her skin she flinched ever so slightly. Koda had seen a lot in the ways of her people. She had gone from a person who had lost all hope to one who was hanging on to the mere thread that there still might be some hope left for her. "Koda," Hunter's voice was quiet as he drew his fingers back and his brown eyes met her blue ones. "Hm?" She hummed in response. "I hope you find what you're looking for." Her eyes looked away from his. What was she looking for? She had been convinced all this time she was searching for her people- her family- but Hunter argued her up and down last night that she had already found it. Then what was she looking for? She didn't even know. But she did know she would know what she desperately was searching for as soon as she found it. "Thank you." She replied, "Me too."


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