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• Burn •

"Let the girl go

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"Let the girl go." Koda demanded. "You are not in the position to be demanding." Crosshair replied with a snarl. "Would you like to bet?" Koda hissed, bringing her hands up and ready to strike with ice and water. "Yes." Was all Crosshair replied with and Koda began her first wave of attacks. She pulled an orb of water straight from the sea and it moved quickly through the air. She stretched the orb of water out infront of her and when it became droplets she froze the droplets of water into daggers of ice. Without warning she fired the shots at Crosshair who easily dodged them. "Koda no!" Hunter shouted. He could tell something was wrong by the way Crosshair moved, his demeanor said it all. "Something's up." He added but Koda didn't understand and she was playing right in to Crosshairs trap. In one swift movement of her hand Koda froze the restrains keeping Omega with Crosshair and the metal shattered from the cold, falling to the ground. Omega quickly ran to Hunter, happy to be free. "You'll regret coming here." Koda hissed at Crosshair, keeping her fingers extended and ready to use her powers again. "No." Crosshair replied. "You will." He said and snapped his fingers. "The way to beat you isn't with a clear shot to your heart." He mused and a handful of stormtroopers in black armor emerged from the shadows behind him. "It's with fire." He replied. "You rely completely on water." He added. "And I'm going to scorch it out."

"Get back to the ship." Hunter told Omega, she could tell that there was panic in his voice. "But Hunter what about-" "Get back to the ship." He added more firmly and Omega nodded before running off to the Havoc with the others. Koda was cornered. A trooper was on her every side, there was no escape for her now. "Crosshair don't!" Hunter shouted as he ran to his brother in an attempt to stop him. But it was too late. Crosshair had given the order and troopers on every side of Koda used the flame throwers the Empire had gladly provided them with to burn the elemental alive. Hunter could hear Koda scream as her world went up in flames. She tried using her powers to surround herself in a wall of ice but the fire melted the ice before evaporating the water. Pure heat licked at her skin and she could feel her skin burning. She tried her best to cover her face with her arms but the flames still managed to scorch her. Her tan skin bubbled and melted and Koda fell to the ground as she let out another blood curdling scream. Her world went black. Koda felt the pain overwhelm her and she finally let go. The flames kept burning around her until Crosshair noticed that she had stopped screaming and that the once powerful elemental now laid limply on the ground. He was perfectly content on cremating her right there, burning her body to ashes, but Hunter was not. One of the flamethrowers began to malfunction and that's when Crosshair noticed his brother's knife sticking out from the pack on the trooper's back. Hunter removed the knife before slamming his elbow into the trooper's face, knocking him unconscious and causing him to fall to the ground with a noisy clank. With the fall of the trooper Hunter removed his pistol and in seconds the others were all stunned by his blaster. They all fell to the ground, useless to Crosshair's plan. Hunter looked at his brother. "Don't do this, Cross." Hunter pleaded. He still blamed himself for Crosshair leaving them for the Empire and now he blamed himself for all of this. "Please." He added. "You don't have to do things like this- terrible things. You're taking out civilians, Cross. Innocent people who have done you know harm." "They are a threat to the Empire." Crosshair replied emotionlessly. "That never bothered you when the Empire was the Republic." Hunter countered. Crosshair did not seem convinced, he was not allowed to be. Any stray thought that might have convinced him to leave the Empire and return to his brothers was suppressed by his inhibitor chip. Crosshair was not allowed to have the same freedom Hunter and the others had, even if he wanted it. Crosshair scowled at his brother. He knew he wouldn't win this battle, even if he was an expert sharp shooter. Hunter and the others out numbered him. And Koda could be presumed dead. His mission was complete. He narrowed his eyes at Hunter once more, a glint in his eyes was his suppressed voice crying out for help from his brother before it was silenced once more. He put his helmet back on his head, shielding his face from Hunter. "Good soldiers follow orders." He simply barked back before leaving Hunter and the others once more.

End Part Two

End Part Two

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