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• Legends Are Lessons •

{ A/N : pronunciation: spØkelse - spō - key - sä }

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{ A/N : pronunciation: spØkelse - spō - key - sä }

"C'mon just one more story?" Omega asked as she clung to Koda while sitting in her lap. Hunter reached out to try to pick her up once more. "Omega we had a deal." Hunter said with a groan. "Koda told you a story and now it's bedtime." "But I'm not even tired!" Omega persisted, her small arms wrapped around Koda's neck in a desperate effort to stay with the elemental in hopes for another story. "Koda tells the best stories! Please just one more!" Hunter's eyes went from Omega to Koda who shrugged. "I don't mind." She said and Hunter sighed in defeat. "Alright, one more." He said as he sat next to Koda. "And Then it's off to bed with you." "Alright!" Omega agreed as she nestled into Koda's lap, brown eyes twinkling in delight and ready to hear another story. "When I was a little girl I asked my mother about the skylights on Statera," Koda began but Omega raised a brow. "Skylights?" She asked in curiosity and Koda nodded. "On statera on certain nights the sky lights up with beautiful northern lights that dance across the sky in beautiful colors." "Wow... That sounds amazing." Omega remarked but Koda hesitated for a moment, a small pang of hurt and lust for her home struck her heart. She missed Statera at times like this, remembering it when it wasn't under siege by the Empire. But she quickly put those emotions aside, hopefully before Hunter could sense the blossom of grief within her. "My mother used to tell me those lights were the spirits of the great elementals lost to us. She would tell me that if you traced them to their source you would find a land where flesh and spirit lived together in harmony. She called it spØkelse." "Spo-what?" " spØkelse. The land of peace and spirit. And legend says that should you stray from your path in life the voices of  spØkelse will cry out and demand that you right your wrongs." "Woah..." Omega muttered. "Can I visit this place one day?" She asked curiously and Koda chuckled. "Perhaps. No one has ever been able to find it, but perhaps you can." Koda said with a small smile down at the girl. "Alright." Hunter intervened as he scooped up the girl out of Koda's lap. "Time for bed sarad."

Koda sighed as she entered the home of Rhona, Hunter and Omega were gone and that period of her life was over. It was time for her to lead her people the way she was supposed to. "Countess Dakoda?" Rhona said as she entered the living space with Koda. "Are you alright?" She asked as she walked over to her. "I'm fine." Koda snapped. "And you can just call me Koda... please." She muttered the last part and Rhona's expression softened as she walked over to her. "Leaving your family behind for a greater cause can be hard." Rhona said as she walked over to her. "I'm sorry about your husband and daughter." "My what?" Koda asked quickly, her icy eyes were wide. "Your husband and daughter- your family. At least that's who I assumed-" "They aren't- they aren't my family." Koda breathed and Rhona tilted her head to the side as she looked at her. "Are you sure?" Rhona asked. That was the first time Koda heard it, a voice as wispy as the wind and almost like it wasn't quite there. It called her name. It sounded like it was right behind her but yet so far. Koda turned to see if someone was behind her but there was no one there. She turned back to Rhona. "Did you hear something?" She asked and Rhona shook her head. "What did you hear?" Rhona asked and Koda hesitated. "I thought- it's nothing." "It's never nothing." Rhona replied. "What did you hear?" She asked again. "I thought I heard a voice say my name." Koda finally replied. "spØkelse." Rhona replied. "Where did you learn that name?!" Koda demanded as she snapped her head to stare at Rhona. "The people of Statera are familiar with the North's myths. We all lived on the same planet, Koda." Rhona replied. "It's calling you." She added. "But why?" Koda asked. "I don't know, countess. That is for you to find out." "How do I do that?" Koda snapped. She was tired of mysteries, tired of people keeping things from her. She wanted a simple life with answers dispersed before her on a silver platter. No more suffering and no more strife. "Go to Statera. Find  spØkelse and ask the spirits there. They will guide you to the answers you seek." "But what about you? What about the rebellion?" "We can make it without you, if we must. The prince may be young but once he is old enough he will lead us." Koda looked at the trident in her hand and sighed. "I want to give this to him." She said. "He will need it when he is to become king. I may have been a royal at one point but I denounced that status long ago when I decided to protect my king rather then be one of his fellow royals. I want to give the king his birthright."

Rhona took Koda into the room with the prince where Oma had just laid him down for a nap. Oma looked from Koda to Rhona who gave her a simple nod. Koda stepped forward and placed the silver trident on the ground, she kneeled with it before the tiny royal. "This is for my king." She muttered. "I have not failed you, Poseidon." She added. The feeling was bittersweet. "I will pass on your legacy, pass on what you have learned." she laid the trident down and stood. Only now did she realize she had not failed the king, she had passed on his legacy to the rightful ruler of Statera. All that was left was to hope that he would grow into the ruler Statera needed and could reclaim his rightful place as king. She turned to the women in the room with her. "Thank you." She breathed, a look of relief filled her eyes. She had fulfilled her duties as captain of the royal guard and now it was time for Koda to move on. "I'm going now." She added and both women nodded in understanding. As Koda left she could hear that growing familiar sound, her name on the wind. Breathed like it was uttered in a sigh, the calling. "Koda."


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