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• I Hear You •

In her time with the Bad Batch Koda had been trained by the very best in "borrowing" ships and flying them

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In her time with the Bad Batch Koda had been trained by the very best in "borrowing" ships and flying them. Tech himself even gave her a few pointers on flying the Havoc Marauder. She was on her way home for the first time since she ran away with Hunter which felt like forever ago. She piloted the ship into hyperspace and waited. Being on a ship alone was such a strange sensation to her, the only ship she had been on was the Havoc Marauder and she was always with the other members of the Bad Batch, she was never alone. But now with everything she had now all left behind alone was all she had, alone was what protected her. "Koda." She could hear the same voice mutter her name once more. Her hands gripped the consul tightly as she let out a breathe she didn't even know she was holding in. "I hear you." She muttered and the ship lurked out of hyperspace and the looming silhouette of Statera took up her field of vision. "And I'm coming."

"Tech, Wrecker, Echo." Hunter frantically commed his brothers from a courtyard in Bespin. The boys were quick to respond to the sergeant. "Everything alright?" Echo replied. "Omega's missing." Hunter replied, panic was evident in his voice. "You lost her?" Tech replied. "Again?" He added and Hunter groaned. "She must have wondered off. We have to find her." "What about Koda?" Wrecker asked and Hunter fell silent. "She's still with you too, isn't she?" He asked. "We'll talk about Koda later." His response instantly let the boys know something was wrong, they could hear it in his voice. They may not have had Hunter's enhanced senses but they knew their brother. "I'll hack into security, see what I can find." Tech replied. "I'm on my way to help look." Wrecker replied. "Don't bother." A fifth and painfully familiar voice added to the comm chatter. They would have known that voice anywhere. "Crosshair." Hunter muttered. "I have the girl." Crosshair said flatly. "Bring me the elemental and no one gets hurt."

Winter had fallen on Statera and just like always, the north was bathed in a blanket of snow and ice. This was nothing new to Koda. She secured her long curly brown hair in a low pony tail as she excited the ship and her eyes were met with the familiar sight of her home. It was quiet, too quiet. All the elementals were long gone the Empire had done a good job at that. The familiar buildings stung her spirits as she began to walk past the city and straight into the wilderness. She didn't want to stay in the city longer then she needed to. It was marred with reminders of her past and the day she lost everything. She didn't not want to be reminded of that. The snow crunched under her feet as night fell and the elemental looked up to see the familiar northern lights dancing across the sky, washing the snow in pastel light. It brought a small smile to her face, reminding her of a simpler time. Now she just had to follow those lights and listen for the voice that had been calling her. Simple enough.

"What do you mean you don't have Koda?" Echo demanded once Hunter got back to the ship. "How can you loose a whole elemental and a whole clone?" "It's not my fault." Hunter replied. "Oh no I'm sure Koda and Omega both let you know they were going to vanish into thin air." Echo countered. "Okay loosing Omega is entirely on me." Hunter confessed, guilty as charged. "But Koda left willingly on her own accord." "Koda left?" Wrecker spoke up. "Willingly?" He added and Hunter nodded. "I presume it had something to do with the presence of her people on this planet?" Tech spoke up and Hunter nodded. "We found the elemental she was looking for and she wanted to stay with them to help them." "But what about us?" Wrecker spoke up. "We need her help too! Especially Hunter." "What is that supposed to mean?" Hunter hissed as he narrowed his eyes at his brother who only chuckled. "You like her." He teased. "Can we please stay focused!" Echo snapped. "What are we going to do? Cross wants what we don't have." He added as both he and Tech tried to think of a solution but before they could come up with one a transmission came through. "I know you don't have the elemental anymore." Crosshair spoke flatly. "A ship has just left Bespin and has entered hyperspace en route to Statera. I am confident that is her. If you want your little clone back come to Statera but do not interfere or she will die." and with that the transmission cut out. "Tech put us into hyperspace we're going to Statera." Hunter ordered and Tech didn't hesitate to follow this order. "What are you planning?" Echo asked as he looked from Tech to Hunter. "We're getting them back." "Them?' Echo repeated the word. "Both of them."


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