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• Family •

"I know a good story that I haven't told you yet

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"I know a good story that I haven't told you yet." Koda said as she looked down at Omega who still sat in her lap. "It was one of my favorites when I was about your age." She added and Omega grinned. "When I was young my mother would tell me a story about a goddess named Kihone. Kihone was a winter goddess who road upon a stallion of ice and had a magic mirror that would only reflect the good in people. But one day thieves broke into Kihone's home in an attempt to steal the mirror. Kihone warned them not to give into the greed of their hearts and when they did not listen she showed them the full might of her wintery powers. Their hearts were frozen into ice and not even Kihone's magic mirror could bring out the good in them. As a result of the greed, Kihone shattered her mirror and the shards rained all across the galaxy. Some people say that the shards are real and that it's only a matter of time before we find them all. Others say it's just an old myth to warn people about greed." "What do you think it is?" Omega asked with wide eyes as she looked up at the elemental. "I think that legends are lessons that are intertwined with truths." Omega raised a brow as she looked from Koda to Hunter. "What does that mean?" "It means that to each myth there's a bit of truth to it but there is also a lesson to be learned from it." Hunter told her. "Oh." Omega said softly. "Like how Kihone warned the people not to be greedy because greed is a bad thing?" Omega asked and both Koda and Hunter nodded. "That's right!" Koda replied. "We learn not to be greedy." She told Omega. "But was Kihone ever real? And are there really fragments of her magic mirror across the galaxy? Do you think we could look for some? Maybe we could put her mirror back together!" "I think you need to get some rest." Koda said and Omega sighed. "But I'm not-" "tired?" Hunter asked and Omega shook her head as she yawned. "C'mon back to bed with you." Koda said as she stood up with the little girl in her arms and brought her back to her "room". Hunter followed behind her. "Now goodnight, Omega." Koda said and the girl yawned again. "Goodnight Koda." She said before turning to Hunter. "Good night Hunter." "Goodnight ad'ika."

"Thank you for your help with the kid." Hunter said after they got Omega back to sleep for a second time. Koda smiled. "It's no problem. You know I adore her, Hunter." Koda said with a yawn. "I suppose I should get back to sleep as well. It is late." She said and her eyelids felt heavy once more. Hunter thought for a moment, Omega now had a place to sleep on the ship but Koda didn't. Each night she found a cozy spot in the ship's hold on the floor for her to snuggle up with a spare blanket and a pillow. It bothered Hunter. "You know you don't have to sleep on the floor every night... I mean it can't be comfortable." His words were kind to Koda but she didn't want to be an inconvenience to any of the men. "It's fine. Trust me, I've slept in worse conditions on missions for the king." She said as she sat down in her little corner and brought the spare blanket up to her. "Besides there's no where else for me to sleep. Really, Hunter, it's not a problem." Koda added as politely as possible. "There is." "Where?" Koda asked, raising a brow. "It's probably not my place to suggest it, and it's probably not appropriate, but you could sleep with me." "Hunter I-" "right, I'm sorry. I knew it wasn't appropriate." Hunter quickly replied, not even giving her the chance to respond. "Hunter wait." Koda said as she stood. Hunter turned back around to face her. "I appreciate your offer, it's really sweet." She said as she reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. "But-" Hunter began but Koda finished his reply for him. "But I really don't want to be a burden on you or any of your crew. I mean you already came back for me when the Empire attacked my people and now you're taking me to find hope of other elementals out there in the galaxy. I don't want to impose more on you then I already have." "Koda," Hunter began as he looked down at her, "you aren't a burden." He replied. "You're part of the crew now. One of us." "Thank you Hunter but I don't need you to sympathize for me. I'm not like the rest of you, I'm not a clone." "You don't have to be a clone to be a part of our family." Hunter countered before moving his hand to lightly rest on her shoulder. "Didn't anyone ever tell you family doesnt just end in blood?" "Family." Koda echoed his words before she looked up at him, wide blue eyes looked up at him. "You think I'm family?" "Of course I do." "Ever since we came back for you. You're one of us, Koda."


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