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• Return to Kamino •

The sudden lurch of the ship caused Koda to wake up

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The sudden lurch of the ship caused Koda to wake up. The first thing she noticed was the absence of Hunter. She got up and slowly but surely the events of the previous day came swirling back to her like the road in a dissolving morning fog. "Koda." she looked up to see Hunter as she entered the hold of the ship. A small smile formed on her lips at the sight of him. He was always up before her. And then she remembered what happened the night before as he held her in his arms and told her he loved her. She felt a searing hot blush cover her cheeks. "Good morning." He added softly with a wink which caused Koda's stomach to do flips. "Good morning." Koda replied quietly. "Koda!" Omega cheered as she raced to the woman and wrapped her arms around her legs. With the giddy laughter of a child came the vision of a possible future. Koda and Hunter, the two functioning as parents to a giddy and gleeful Omega who was always curious and getting into things she shouldn't. Koda removed her eyes from the girl and looked up at Hunter and with that one look she knew they shared the same idea. Koda decided to push the thoughts from her mind, however, and pull herself back to the present. "You're gonna save Crosshair!" Omega continued to cheer and that's when Koda finally remembered what she had agreed to. "Right." She replied. She looked back up at Hunter who was still watching the two. "I am."

"There is another ship coming out of hyperspace." Tech said after the ship had been landed in a bay that wasn't in use anymore according to his knowledge. "It must be the Imperial shuttle with Crosshair." He added and Koda sighed as everything came together. "I'll go with Koda." Hunter said. "Omega and Wrecker can stay with the ship, if you see anything or anyone let us know immediately." Hunter told the two who nodded. "Echo and Tech come with us to get the bay doors open to the rest of the facility but as soon as we're through you'll need to close them so nothing is suspicious." He informed the other two. "How exactly do you plan on getting us through a kaminoan facility without being spotted?" Koda asked as she followed Hunter off of the ship with the other two. "I'm still working on that part." Hunter replied and Koda scoffed. "You mean you don't know?" She asked a little more forcefully then Hunter would have liked to hear. "I mean it's a work in progress." He replied hastily as Tech and Echo worked to get the doors open. As soon as they did however, Hunter had wished they hadn't. There on the other side of the doors was Darth Vader with Crosshair at his right hand. "I knew I sensed something here." Vader mused in a sort of teasing tone as he stepped forward. "Koda Okato, Captain of the Royal Guard of Statera," His tone struck fear into Koda's heart as she stepped back, away from the sith lord. "How lovely it is to see you again, my dear."

Upon landing on Kamino Darth Vader could instantly sense something in the force. Something was in the works, something against him. It made his gloved robotic hands curl into fists. "I want you to see to everything we had planned for this planet." He said as he turned to Tarkin. "But my lord aren't you coming with me?" Tarkin asked with a raised brow. "Something has come up." Vader replied as he tried to look deeper into the force to see exactly what was transpiring against him. It was still shrouded from him but he could sense the presence of multiple people and one that was vaguely family and- cold? He knew who it was at once. "I will take the enhanced clone with me. A threat to the emperor's power has risen on Kamino. I will deal with it while you deal with the rest." Vader ordered and Tarkin understood not to ask anymore questions. He nodded in response as the shuttle landed on the cloning facility. "Yes my lord."

Hunters eyes went from Koda to the masked Sith Lord. He had never seen darth Vader before but he had heard whispers of him from other imperial deserters. Something about him was tangibly sinister and he could feel fear even rising in himself. The perfect villain stood before them and it showed. "This was not how the plan was supposed to go." Tech muttered causing Echo to roll his eyes at his brother. "You two get back to the ship and prep it to leave." Hunter said to the two. They didn't question him, they simply did as they were told. Hunter then moved to the final thing that needed his attention. Koda. He stepped in front of her, arm outstretched in front of her body to keep her separated from both Darh Vader and Crosshair as he pulled out his knife. He held the weapon like a dog baring it's teeth before a fight, a warning. "How cute." Vader's voice taunted him. "The clone is protecting the elemental. I don't believe it, you have sentiments for her, don't you?" Hunter didn't reply. The bucket on his head shielded Vader from the concentration on his face. "It is unfortunate, however, but your sentiments will not save her." Vader muttered before using the force in a wave of his hand to throw the clone across the hanger leaving Koda completely alone before both the Sith Lord and the enhanced clone.

The red glow of Darth Vader's saber bathed the hanger in a sickly red light. "It is time for me to finish what I started." He mumbled before stepping forward to swing the blade at Koda. The impeeding red sword caused the elemental to lash out in fear, pulling enough moister from the air to create a wall of water between her and Vader before freezing it in place. Her defence didn't last long, however, as Vader cut through it as if it were butter. "There is no salvation for you this time, I'm afraid." His voice jabbed at her like a dagger. The more Vader advanced the more fear began to consume Koda. She couldn't beat him before, why would she be able to now? Vader was praying off of her fear. Koda had no intentions of fighting him today, she was expecting a quarrel with Crosshair, not the the apprentice of the emperor. Fear had been her enemy for too long but at the moment there was nothing she could do to defend herself. The water had no quarrel with a sith. Vader, using the conflict and fear with in her as a crutch, swung his saber up. He was prepared to take the final blow, the final strike to completely end Koda once and for all. Without hesitation, Darth Vader brought his infamous red saber down on the elemental, delivering a swift and painful end to the girl.

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