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• Nightmares •

"While we are on Bespin we will need to refuel and gather supplies

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"While we are on Bespin we will need to refuel and gather supplies." Tech told Echo from the pilot's seat. Echo seemed to take note as he jotted it down on a datapad. "You and I can take care of that." Echo replied from the Copilot seat. "What about me? What am I gonna do?" Wrecker asked from behind the two men. "You can keep an eye on the ship." Echo replied and Wrecker groaned. "But that's boring!" He shouted in protest. "Wrecker not so loud!" Hunter said as he entered the cockpit. "The girls are asleep. Both of them." "Oh sorry Hunter." Wrecker said as he immediately spoke with a much more quiet tone. "I will try not to wake your girls." "They're not-" "It's alright Hunter." Echo said with a small grin. "We're deserters now. We can have attachments now if we want. The Republic nor the Empire controls us anymore." Echo's words didn't seem to comfort Hunter. "How much longer until we get there?" Hunter asked. "A few hours. Five of them at the most." Tech replied. "Well I recommend we get some rest. There's no telling what tomorrow will be like."

Koda woke up to the sound of soft cries coming from Omega's room. She blinked several times to try to remove the sleep from her eyes as she slowly stood. "Omega?" She muttered as she walked to the child's room. "Omega?" She called again but there was no response. Instead the cries and whimpering got louder. Koda carefully pulled back the curtain to Omega's "room" and saw the blonde child curled up almost in a ball as she slept. Her small body shivered and an expression of fear was on her face. Her brows creased her tiny forehead as they conveyed the fear she felt. Her hands were clutched into tiny fists and she flailed and cowered in her sleep. "No- please! What did I do? Please don't go!" She muttered in her sleep. "Omega?" Koda called once more before placing a gentle hand on her shoulder and trying to nudge the girl awake. "Omega wake up." She tried again and slowly the girl stirred. Her brown eyes shot open and she looked up at Koda. Slowly her eyes began to well with tears. "You were having a nightmare." Koda said softly and without warning Omega jumped into her arms, continuing to sob into her chest. "Everything's going to be alright, Omega." Koda said softly as she held the child in her arms.

"It was Hunter." Omega began explaining her dream as she sat in Koda's lap in the hold of the ship. "And you." Koda's eyes widened. "Me?" She replied and Omega nodded. "You decided you didn't want me around anymore so you left me behind." "Omega," Koda said her name fondly as she brought up a hand to gently caress the scared girl's cheek and wipe the tears from her skin with her thumb. "That will never happen." She said softly. "But what if it does?" Omega said, her voice breaking between small huffs from her crying. "It won't." "But-" "Is everything alright?" Both girls turned to see Hunter behind them. "I heard crying..." He replied and that's when he noticed the tears staining Omega's small face. He instantly walked over and knelt down next to the two. "What's wrong ad'ika?" Hunter asked, now level with Omega who sniffled softly. "She had a nightmare is all." Koda replied for the child who suddenly found the ground to be very interesting. "A nightmare?" Hunter asked as he looked from Koda to Omega. "The best way to get over a nightmare, Omega, is to understand they aren't real." Hunter said and Omega looked up at him through her lashes as her head still hung low, ashamed that Hunter might now thing she might not be able to handle herself after hearing her cry from something as childish as a nightmare. "What happened in your nightmare is never going to happen in real life." He added. "Do you promise?" Omega asked, her eyes darted from Hunter to Koda and then back to Hunter. "Yes." Hunter replied, "I promise." "We both do." Koda added. "And now you should get back to sleep, lil'n." Hunter said but Omega shook her head. "Not without a story first." She persisted before looking up at Koda. "And you tell the best ones."


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