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• Set a Course For Bespin •

"Bespin?" Tech raised a brow as he looked over at Hunter for just a second

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"Bespin?" Tech raised a brow as he looked over at Hunter for just a second. "What would an elemental be doing there? Aren't they all gone like the Jedi?" He asked and Hunter shrugged. "I don't have any idea." He replied. "But it means that Koda has more of her people out there. She's not alone anymore." He replied harshly. The words hurt him to say. It was almost as if he were admitting it to himself as he spoke. "Who said she was ever alone?" Echo spoke up from the copilot seat. "She's got us." He added. "And I think we function pretty well together." He added. "She's not like us, Echo. She's different. Everyone she ever knew was killed in a matter of days. Can you imagine how alone she must feel?" Hunter snapped back and Echo's head hung low. He shared that feeling with Koda. That feeling that in an instant, everything changed. He lost his home in what felt like a blink of an eye when he ran into that explosion at the Citadel. Everything changed for him and his life had never been the same since. He never felt more alone, until he found his place once more among Clone Force 99. "I'm sorry Echo." Hunter apologized, realizing how much Echo had always leveled with Koda and understood her emotions. "I didn't I-" "it's okay." Echo replied flatly, not wanting to stay on the subject much longer. Hunter turned to catch a quick glimpse of Koda in the hold of the shuttle with Omega sitting in her lap. Omega watched excitedly as Koda used an ord of water she had pulled from a vile she always kept with her and morphed the ball of water into different shapes for the small clone to watch. Her eyes sparkled with childlike wonder as she watched the water shift from the shape of a star to a flower. Hunter smiled softly at the sight before turning back to his brothers. "Koda needs this. She needs to know she's not alone." Hunter said, bringing himself back to the conversation at hand. "Set a course for Bespin."

"Koda?" Omega called as she tore her eyes from the shifting watery shape of a gonk droid that Koda had formed for her. Omega looked up at the girl who hummed softly in response. "What was your home like?" She asked. Koda took in a breath as she looked down at the child. "Well," She began as if she were telling a story, "Statera was divided into five different regions. I was from the northern region." Koda began to explain. As she talked, slowly Hunter began to listen to her soft voice explain her homeworld to the child. It was lulling and peaceful. It was hard for him not to listen. "There was a lot of snow and ice everywhere and big stoney mountains and even glaciers." "Snow?" Omega said as she raised a brow. "I've never seen snow before." She added. "What's it like?" She asked as she cocked her head to one side and looked up at the elemental with curious brown eyes. "Well it's very light and soft. Kinda fluffy. But it's also very cold." Koda replied. "Wow." Omega said as she tried to imagine the soft touch of snow on her skin. "Do you think I'll ever get to see it one day?" She asked. At this point Koda could feel Hunter's eyes on her. She smiled sofly to herself, now entertaining two clones at once. "You could see it now." She replied and Omega's eyes widened. "Really? How?" She asked and Koda's grin widened. "Watch." She stated flatly as she moved her hand, gathering the water up in the air into one circle. The water packed itself in tighter and tighter until finally a soft pop could be heard and with a cool breeze snow began to fall from where the water once hovered. Omega muttered words of amazement as the soft white flakes fell onto her skin. Her curious eyes watched as each flaked melted upon impact. "So this is snow?" She asked softly and Koda nodded. "I love it! You are so lucky to have lived around this stuff all the time!" Omega continued to cheer. "On Kamino it would just rain and rain and rain, I wish we could have seen some snow!" She said with a yawn and Koda noticed how hooded her eyelids had become. She was getting sleepy. "Perhaps one day I can take you to my home." "Really?!" Omega cheered with tired excitement and Koda giggled. "Yes and I can teach you how to make a snowman and snow angels." "Those sound so cool! I can't wait to go-" Her words ended with another yawn. "Perhaps one day you will go, vod'ika." Hunter said as he entered the hold. He reached down and picked up the child who was trying awfully hard to stay awake. "But right now I think it's time you got some rest." Omega unintentionally nuzzled into his chest, resting her head against him. "But I'm not even sleepy..." She tried to fight him but her voice grew softer as she spoke and soon she was fast asleep in Hunter's arms.

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