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• New Mission •

"So she's finally asleep?" Koda asked Hunter as he returned from putting Omega to rest in her room

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"So she's finally asleep?" Koda asked Hunter as he returned from putting Omega to rest in her room. Omega's "room" wasn't much of a room but to her it was everything. It was enough because it was made by someone Omega adored, Wrecker. "Yeah. The kid's fast asleep." Hunter replied with a soft grin. "You should get some rest too, you know." Hunter said as he turned to look at Koda. "Big day tomorrow." He said in reference to heading to Bespin. Koda smiled softly as she rolled her eyes at the clone. "I'm not even tired." She replied and Hunter chuckled. "Sure, that's what Omega said too." He replied and Koda giggled softly "I can't help but wonder." Hunter said, "What is an elemental doing on Bespin?" He asked as he turned to look at the elemental who had joined their crew. "I have no idea." Koda replied. "But Bespin is without a doubt the best place for an elemental of wind to go after leaving Statera." "Why's that?" "Haven't you ever heard of it? Or been there at least? You know, Cloud City? It's just what an elemental of air needs, to live among the clouds and atmosphere. Just like home. They used to live in the mountains." Hunter's brown eyes looked at Koda. He studied her as she spoke, the way her lips moved around the name of her homeworld and the way a soft sparkle filled her eyes as she remembered it. He sighed. "Do you miss it?" He asked and Koda looked up at him. "Hm?" "Your home, do you miss it?" "Sometimes." Koda replied. "I miss the air." "The air?" Hunter asked and Koda nodded. "No planet you have taken me to for missions rivals the air and scent of Statera, well at least the north of Statera. It smells crips and cool. The air carries a scent of pine and occasionally burning wood. It's nature, in a sense, and it's the purest scent of nature I have ever beheld." Koda missed her home more then she was letting on, and Hunter could tell. His expression fell slightly when he realized she wasn't telling him everything about how much she missed it. He had hopped by now she would know him well enough to let him in but apparently not. "Is there any way we can get a transmission to this elemental? Let her know we're coming and that we have one of her own." Hunter asked and Koda shook her head. "Elementals don't use technology. Before I joined all of you I had never even heard of a comm link. Chances are it's the same for her." Koda stood from where she sat with Hunter and stretched her arms out with a yawn. "Maybe I am more tired then I thought." She said with a soft smile. "Then you should get some rest." Hunter said as he also stood with her. "Hunter," Koda said before she turned to get her rest for the night, "Thank you." "For what?" "Everything." Koda replied before heading to find a spot out of the way for her to rest for the night. Hunter managed a small grin as he watched her. "You're welcome." He muttered even though he knew she wouldn't hear him.

"Do you know who this is?" Tarkin asked as he showed a holo image to the white haired clone. "Perhaps." Crosshair replied. The image of Koda holding the King's trident illuminated the dark briefing room. "Maybe this will jog your memory." Tarkin said as he pulled up a file from the days of the Republic. "It says here that Clone Force 99 was assigned a mission to put a stop to a threat on the life of King Poseidon of Statera. It says that you worked closely with the King's Royal guard, specifically this young woman." Crosshair tilted his head to one side as he took in the sight of the familiar young woman. He did remember her but not strikingly well. Hunter did most of the talking with her anyways. "Yes." Crosshair spoke as he looked from the image to Tarkin. "I know of her." "She is your next mission." Tarkin continued. "You are to find her, bring her to us or if she causes too much trouble then end her." "Understood." Crosshair replied. "We have reason to believe she is with the traitorous group who call themselves the 'Bad Batch' or as you remember them, your own former clone force." Crosshair didn't respond. "See to it that you end this group as well and bring the asset to us." "Yes sir."


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