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• The Curse of The Frozen Heart •

• The Curse of The Frozen Heart •

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"KODA." Hunter shouted as his eyes watched the saber of the most feared man in the galaxy come down on the girl he had fallen head over heals for. However, he found himself needing to do a double take when time slowed and the mist cleared he could see Koda, hand covered in a thick layer of ice, clutching the fiery blade of Vader's saber with a look of pure determination on her face. The ice on her hand gave her a few moments of safety to hold the saber at bay before it melted. Hunter would have gazed longer but the sudden shot of a blaster, nearly missing his shoulder called him back to reality. His head turned to meet Crosshair once again. Crosshair never missed a shot, so how come he didn't hit his target this time? Hunter ducked for cover behind a few spare craits, pulling his pistols out to fire back at his brother, making sure the stun setting was on rather then the other. With a deep breath, Hunter prepared himself as he waited for the opportune moment to try to stun his brother and give Koda a chance to "Work her magic" on him. But Crosshair was smart, he was enhanced just like the rest of them. He waited for his prey to give him any sort of leeway. It truly was brother against brother.

"This is not possible!" Vader seethed as he looked down at the ice hand that separated him from Koda. "I am stronger then you." Koda replied her voice carried power with it, enough power to restore her confidence that had been fading. "But what can you do? You're just one girl." Vader tried to tease her again but Koda was past that. "Exactly." and with that Vader finally noticed the trap she had set for him. Around his feet ice had begun to grow, freezing him to the ground. With the singular swift movement of her hand a whip of water spiraled up from the ground before wrapping around one of his wrists and freezing into place, the same happened with his other wrist, trapping him in place. Koda closed her eyes and breathed in slowly. "Most of your original body is gone, isn't it Lord Vader?" She asked as she sensed the lack of blood that flowed through this man. He was mostly machine and metal. Koda's fingertips froze over once more as she pressed them lightly to the mask that covered Vader's face. "Your heart is cold and frozen." as she spoke an ice cold breeze blew by, sending a chill down Koda's spine. "And it will not be thawed until you need it the most." and with that she drew her hand away from him. "You are cursed, Lord Vader, to be as cold as ice until you learn to be true to yourself as I have."

There was a complete stand still between Hunter and Crosshair. Both of them waited for the other to drop his cover which neither would allow to happen. "Hunter!" a shouted caused him to turn to see Koda racing towards him. "We have to go!" She shouted, she seemed drained and out of breathe. "Now." She added frantically. Crosshair, however, seized this to be his moment. He aimed his blaster down at Koda, his experience and training for years made this easy for him. Fingers used to the feeling of resting on the trigger of a gun curled tightly around the trigger. Crosshair did was he did countless times before on missions with both the Bad Batch and the Empire, he finished the mission the way he sought fit. "Koda!" Hunter shouted as he pieced together what was about to happen. "Koda no!"

Crosshair's finger pulled the trigger on his blaster. But unfortunately for him he wasn't fast enough. Koda was over it, the whole situation, and she was ready to go. Her hand thrusted in his direction, fingers extended to the ground and palm facing the sky sending a massive wave of water in his direction. The wave knocked the gun right out of his hands and washed him off of his feet. Koda exhaled before finally looking back to Hunter. She was truly over it. The pain the suffering. It had all been caused by one singular group, the Empire. She was simply ready to get what they came for and leave, never to be disturbed again. Hunter could see it in her eyes, the fierceness of a warrior but also the pain of someone who had lost many things. She was ready for the suffering to end and quite frankly so was he. He was ready to end the struggle of constantly fighting for their lives. There was a mutual understanding between the two at this point, an understanding that didn't need words because they were both on the same wavelength and they knew it. They were done fighting. The war may not have been over but their part in it was coming to an end. "Let's go."


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