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• Naboo •

"I've been thinking

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"I've been thinking." "That's never good." Echo cut off Hunter as he was mid sentence earning a sharp glare from him, Echo merely laughed it off but Hunter continued. "Ever since I've known Koda she has always emphasized on the importance of nature in her life." Hunter began, "She's an elemental and she has explained to me that she has to be one with nature." "What's your point?" Wrecker asked, raising a brow at his brother. "Well, being with us all the time she can't exactly be 'one with nature'. We're too busy traveling around the galaxy, doing jobs, and trying to keep the Empire off of our backs for that." "Well yes," Tech replied as he pushed his goggled up the brim of his nose to keep them from falling. "But we are clones, it is our fundamental nature to go and fight. She is not, she's different." He added. "But we're not too different." Echo argued. "We're all different here I mean, we are each experimental clones and she's the last of her kind. We have all had to adapt and over come for survival." "But Koda shouldn't have to." Hunter countered. "Her people wanted no part in this war so who are we to drag her along with us?" He stated. "And the same goes for Omega." This time Echo gave his brother a skeptical look. "What are you getting at?" He asked but Hunter still didn't give him a solid answer. "Tech," He addressed the pilot of the ship. "Set a course for Naboo."

"So this is what a snowman looks like?" Omega asked as she looked at the miniature man made of snow which was comprised of three roughly shaped orbs of snow. "Well yes, but this is a much smaller version." Koda said as she held out the snowman in the palm of her hand. Omega giggled softly as she looked up at figure in Koda's hand. "If we had more snow I could show you a proper snowman." She added and that's when Hunter entered the hold with the two of them. "Koda," Hunter spoke up and both of the girls looked up at him. "Hunter!" Omega cheered. "Have you come to make a snowman too?" She asked happily but Hunter's expression remained serious. "Actually," He began as he looked between the girls, "I was hoping I could speak with Koda." Hunter said flatly and Koda could instantly tell something was up based on the tone of his voice. "Okay!" Omega cheered with a smile. "Alone, please, Ad'ika." He added and Omega finally understood, the adults needed to talk. She gave a small nod and gave Koda a quick hug before running off to find the others.

"What's up?" Koda asked as she stood and crossed her arms over her chest. "Something is clearly bothering you." She added. Hunter's expression remained stoic. "Koda," He began as he slowly took her hand in his. "You know I love you." He added and Koda looked at him skeptically. "What is this about?" She asked with a raised brow. "It is because I love you so much that I am deciding to let you go." "You're what?" Koda hissed, the distaste on her face was certainly not what Hunter had expected. "Koda, running from the Empire and going from planet to planet is no place for you. You belong to be in a place where you can flourish like you always wanted. A place where you can truly be one with nature." "And you think you can chose that for me?" "I'm doing what's best for you Koda." Hunter replied. "What's best for you, and Omega." His words hit Koda like a brick. She froze in place as her eyes widened. "No." She muttered as realization washed over her like a tidal wave. "You're leaving her and me? Hunter have you lost your mind?" "She needs a mother." Hunter replied. "This is no home for a girl like her. She is like you, you both need to be free." Koda shook her head. "Hunter is this really what you want? Or is it what you think you want?" Koda asked, her tone softening with her eyes. "No one loves that little girl more then you do. You can't just leave her behind." She reasoned. "And she needs a father, Hunter, but not just any father. Omega needs the father she chose for herself." Koda said. "And that's you." Hunter was taken aback by the audacity of Koda's words and Koda took that as her invitation to keep going. "Look around Hunter, you talk about how this isn't what me and Omega want but is it what you want?" Hunter's eyes narrowed at her. "What are you talking about?" "Do you really want to keep fighting? The Clone Wars are over Hunter, perhaps it's time you put your blasters down and took a step back to realize that." She continued as the gears in Hunter's mind continued to turn. "Aren't you tired of fighting?" Koda asked and as the words left her mouth the ship lurched forward, a sign that they had excited hyper space. Hunter's comm link lit up as Tech's voice spoke up to him through the device. "We're here."

The ship landed in a grassy field of Naboo far from any other populations of people. The babbling sound of a brooke not too far away could be heard moving lightly through the breeze. Truly this was a place where nature could exist in pure harmony. Koda stepped off the ship, following Omega who had already ran down the ramp and was now lawing down in a field of flowers as she inhaled the floral scent with a smile. Koda turned to look at Hunter before stepped she off of the ship. Her look spoke more then words ever could and Hunter understood what he had to do. He turned to his men. "Go." Echo said before Hunter even opened his mouth. "What?" Hunter asked, surprised. "Go with her." He added. "We'll be alright." Echo replied with a smile. "You're serious?" Hunter asked, still trying to process what he was hearing. "Hunter, you have found a family amidst the rubble of the rise of the Empire. You need to be with them." Tech informed him. "Besides there's still work for us to do." Echo added. "I'd like to get back at the Empire for what they did to me." Crosshair spoke up. "We'll miss you though." Wrecker finally added. Hunter still couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You'll visit, won't you?" He asked and Wrecker scoffed. "Like you wouldn't believe!" He cheered. "You won't be able to get rid of us." He added with a chuckle and Hunter grinned. "Thank you." He finally muttered. "Nah don't mention it." Echo replied with a grin. "What are brother's for, after all?"

 "What are brother's for, after all?"

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