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Heal •

Koda stood from the bed where Hunter had left her

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Koda stood from the bed where Hunter had left her. Once again she used her powers to create a sheet of ice, a looking glass where she could perfectly see her reflection. The scars from her burns were still painfully evident and she bit her lip as she accepted this new appearance as her reality. She ran her fingers through her long hazel curls and an idea blossomed in her mind. Things were changing, it was time for her to come to truth with herself and let go of the first chapter of her life. It was time to let go and move on. Pulling more moisture from the air and into the palm of her hand she froze it in to a solid dagger of ice. She raised the blade of ice up so it was eye level to her face and gently pressed a finger to the tip. She hissed and quickly jolted her hand away as she realized just how sharp the blade of ice was. She let out a deep breath that she didn't even know she was holding in as she looked back at her reflection in the makeshift mirror. She watched herself in slow motion as her free hand moved to gather up all the brown locks into a fisted ponytail. Her other hand, still clutching the icy dagger, moved behind her head and began pressing at her hair just above her hand that still held tightly to the curls. In one swift motion she chopped off several inches of her hair. As soon as she felt the swoosh of the icey knife and the crunch of hair follicles being sliced in half she closed her eyes. She steadied herself, using her breathing to ground her before opening her icy blue eyes to look at her reflection once more. Her once long brown hair had been sliced into a shorter bob now, cutting off just above her shoulders. She let the dagger of ice melt from her fingertips and the ponytail of cut hair also slipped away from her hand. She let go. And now it was time to move on.

"Koda?" Omega's small voice filled Koda's ears as she entered the hold of the ship. "Koda I-" Omega froze as she looked up at the girl. At first Koda was terrified that perhaps the burns on her skin frightened her as much as they had initially frightened herself. But the look on Omega'a face wasn't one of fear. It was one of curiosity. "Your hair, it's shorter." Omega noted and Koda knelt down so that she was level with her. "It looks nice." Omega said with a blooming smile. "Thank you." Koda replied, the contagious smile spread to Omega who smiled back. Koda's eyes fell and noticed a nasty looking cut on Omega's forearm and instantly her smile fell. "Omega," she said as she reached down to gently grasp her arm. "What happened?" "I tripped while running back to the ship when you freed me from Crosshair. I got a pretty bad cut but Tech said he would help with it as soon as he got the chance." A tinge of guilt nipped at Koda. Crosshair had been there for her, not Omega. The Empire for sure had a heavy bounty on her head by now, she could either run from it and hide or she could face it head on. "I'll help you with it." Koda offered kindly. "Thank you Koda! I'll go get the medical supplies." "There's no need." Koda said as she stopped her. Omega raised a brow. "How-" she began but Koda signaled for her to come sit on her lap like always.

With Omega snuggly in her lap, Koda used her powers to pull water from her small cantine that she always kept with her. The water flowed through the air and stuck to her hand like a magnet before freezing over her fingers. Her hand covered Omega's cut and Omega watched curiously as she could feel the cool sting of the ice on her skin. A soft glow emerged from the ice before swirling around her arm. "There we go." Koda said with a sigh before removing her hand from Omega's arm. The ice on her hand melted and flowed back into the cantine tied to her waist. Omega looked in awe down at the former cut. It was completely gone. "How did you do that?" Omega asked as she raised her arm to her face to get a better look at it. "Water, my dear, is the secret to life. Where there is water there is life. Therefore elementals of water are graced with the ability to heal the injured." "Woah." Omega muttered, her eyes sparkling with child like wonder. "Thank you." She said as she wrapped her arms around Koda in a quick hug. The door to the hold opened and Omega looked up with a grin to see Hunter. "Hunter!" She shouted happily as she jumped off of Koda's lap and ran over to the clone. "Look What Koda did! She healed me!" She shouted as she pointed to her arm. Hunter's eyed carefully looked over the skin of the girl where there had formally been a deep wound. Then his eyes looked over at Koda. "Did you really heal her?" He asked, he couldn't seem to believe it himself. Koda nodded and she could see the gears in his head turning as he mulled over a thousand thoughts at once. "Omega go ask Tech what our position is." He told the small girl who quickly nodded and ran off leaving the two alone together once more.

"You can heal?" Hunter asked as he walked over to Koda. "Well yes... But I'm not the best at it and it doesn't always work for me." She replied softly. "Can you heal your burns?" Hunter asked cautiously and he could feel his heart drop as Koda sighed. "No." She replied flatly. "These are scars. I can't heal them. They are permanent." She muttered as she turned her face away from him, her eyes closing. "I will always look this way." "Good." Hunter replied flatly causing Koda to jerk her head around to look at him. "What?" She asked in disbelief. "I said good." Hunter replied as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Because I think you're perfect the way you are." "Hunter-" "Scars and all." Koda could feel her icy heart melt at his words and the clone walked closer to her. He reached a gloved hand up to her hair before running his fingers through the short curls and Koda sighed as he did so, leaning in to his touch. "You cut your hair." He added, stroking her hair softly. "I like it." He added and Koda looked up at him again. "You do?" "Yeah." He replied as he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. "It's much more you."


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