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•  I Think We'll See Each Other Again •

Another wave of droids had been completely depleted by both the royal army of Satera and the Bad Batch

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Another wave of droids had been completely depleted by both the royal army of Satera and the Bad Batch. Their efforts separately would have been enough to take out the attack alone but combined they were unstoppable. The elementals fought as if they all moved with the same rhythm, a unity unlike any of the clones had ever seen. One heartbeat, one breath, all from the same source guided them. They moved as if they were a River, swift and light but carrying enough strength to destroy legions of offensive forces. There was no stopping the elementals of water. Their unity and strength combined with the cunning power of clone force 99 was unmatched. Soon, Grevious pulled back his attack. His attempt on the king's life was fruitless and the more he tried the more he failed. Different approaches would have to be made if Satera was to be conquered for the separatists. "The way you men fight," Koda said as she approached the unique clone force. "It's like nothing I've ever seen." She stated, her eyes wide with wonder. "It's amazing." Koda breathed as she rested her staff in a snowbank while she spoke. "That was nothing! We're just doin' what we do best!" Wrecker cheered pulling a small giggle from Koda's lips. Hunter grinned at the crisp and bubbly sound of female laughter. "The way you elementals move is unlike anything I-we've ever seen either. It's amazing." Hunter replied. "The elementals of water are all united by one thing, one constant rhythm." Koda began as she led the men back to the palace. "The ocean." She replied flatly. She closed her eyes for a moment and she could feel it, the beat of mother ocean. "The roll of the waves, the tides moving in and out. It flows through all of us, it connects us. Mother ocean flows through us all."

"And we're leaving already?" Wrecker asked as he followed his brothers back to the ship. The king had thanked them for their services and assured them they could head back to Coruscant by now. "Not to worry, Wrecker." Crosshair began. "We will have another mission soon to occupy your dull mind." "Yay!" Wrecker cheered. "Are you sure there is nothing else we can do?" Hunter offered as he turned to Koda who walked them to their ship. "Yes, I'm positive." Koda said with a small grin. "But the king wanted to make sure you know how grateful he is for your efforts on statera." Hunter raised a brow as he listened to her speak. "But?" He asked, knowing there was a catch to her words. "He refuses to join the Republic or the separatists." "Well unlike the senate we will respect his choice and won't force anything upon him. I can't guarantee the same reaction from the chancellor." "That is for us to handle, not you. Don't worry about it." Koda assured him. "Well, goodbye then." "Don't sound so distant." Koda replied with a small grin. "I think we'll see each other again some day." "You do?" "Yeah... I do."

"Something's on your mind, Koda." The captain of the royal guard turned from the window She was looking out to see the king coming to join her. A soft smile formed on her lips. "Just lost in thought I guess." Koda replied as her blue eyes watched Clone Force 99 power up their ship and take off. "You're thinking about those men aren't you?" Poseidon asked with a knowing grin. "Specifically the one who called himself Hunter." Koda rolled her eyes. "Maybe." She tore her gaze from the window to her king. "I've just been thinking, if all the soldiers of the Republic are like that, then why don't we join them?" "Koda," The king's voice came in a warning. "Don't base your opinion of a power thirsty group just on a few kind hearts." "But Poseidon, perhaps the Republic is not what we think it is, what you think it is." "But how do you know?" Koda tried once more to reason with the king. "How do you know if you cannot give them the benefit of the doubt? Either side!" "Koda I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation." Poseidon warned. "Our people could be used as weapons because of their powers." His grip on the silver trident in his hand tightened. "We are not clones and we are not droids. We are spirits of nature, free from the quarrels of the galaxy. The only balance we need concern ourselves with is the balance of the natural cycle." Koda was silent, tired of arguing with the king. "Koda you have to think of what's best for the people, not your personal interests." The king said as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Come now, it's getting late and you will need your rest. You and I both have a busy day tomorrow." Koda managed a small smile at the king. "As always."


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