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• Not So Loud Cyare •

"Are you positive?" Hunter asked Tech who sat at the consul for the ship after decrypting and reading a transmission from the Empire to the other boys

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"Are you positive?" Hunter asked Tech who sat at the consul for the ship after decrypting and reading a transmission from the Empire to the other boys. Tech nodded. "If we're going to get Crosshair back this is our best bet." He replied. "But going back to Kamino? We'll be severely out numbered." Hunter replied as he shook his head. "Hunter, your girlfriend can control water and Kamino is a planet covered in it. I think we'll be okay." Echo replied sassily and Hunter nodded. "That is a good point." Hunter stated. "So when do we leave?" "Leave for what?" The boys turned to see Koda, holding Omega, enter the cockpit. "Kamino." Hunter told her honestly. "Why would you want to go there?" Koda asked with a scrunched up expression of distaste. "Yeah." Omega added. "Why would you want to go there?" "Because that's where Crosshair is going to be tomorrow morning." Tech replied flatly and Koda's eyes widened. "Tomorrow? As in twenty four hours? I thought I would have at least a week- you can't be serious." "Aw what's the big deal? You can take him!" Wrecker cheered but Koda shook her head. "I've hardly had time to train... I don't know what I'm doing..." "You'll be fine Koda. I know you can do this." Hunter replied but Koda shook her head. "That's cute Hunter but there's a difference in you thinking I can do something and whether or not I actually can." "We don't have another option at the moment." Echo spoke up. "You're just gonna have to give it your best shot. And if you fail then you fail but ou have to try at least." He added. "Please," Hunter said softly. "For us." Koda looked around at them men who all stared at her. "He is our brother, a part of the family just like you." Koda let out a sigh before nodding. "Fine." She replied flatly. "For the family."

"Is Koda going to be alright?" Omega asked as she crawled into Hunter's lap as he sat in the cockpit. "Why wouldn't she be?" Hunter asked the small child. There was something in her eyes that Hunter couldn't quite place. A wonder mixed with emotions of dread. "She seems- I don't know." Omega began, her eyes looked down as she tried to find the right words for what she was trying to say. Koda had been training for hours under the advisement of Tech who seemed to think his abundance of research made him the most suitable to tell her what to do which Koda was not a fan of. "Perhaps you need to be a bit more-" "If you say patient again I'll water-smack those goggles right off your face, Tech I mean it." Koda had sassed him as a sign of her stress whilst the clone tried to help her with his knowledge. It was at that point he decided to take a step back and let Koda handle her own training, which was probably for the best. "Stressed." Omega finally settled for the word that she thought best fit Koda's current state. "She seems stressed." She admitted and Hunter sighed softly before wrapping an arm around Omega. "She will be okay, ad'ika. The stress is only temporary but I would advise we give Koda her space for now, she's got a lot to deal with." Omega nodded as she snuggled closer to Hunter's chest, watching the swirl of hyperspace go by as they traveled closer and closer to Kamino.

Koda had no idea how to train for such a task. Healing a stray cut on a child's arm was one thing but healing someone's mind was a completely different task. She did her best by simply grounding herself and letting her breathing reflect that of the great ocean on Statera. The hours had ticked on aimlessly, most of the residents of the havoc marauder left her alone to focus but it was getting late and they would arrive at their destination in a matter of hours. To Koda, that still wasn't enough time. She needed to focus and practice wouldn't be a bad thing either but how do you practice for such a task as this? If only she could speak to the king once more, he always knew what to do. The fire of worry kindled in her heart but she tried not to let it spark through her. "Hey." She flinched, her eyes opening at the sudden voice which caused her to loose focus. "It's late." She turned to see Hunter looking down at her. "And you need sleep." He added. "I'll sleep when I'm dead." Koda snapped before closing her eyes. "No, cyare, you need rest." Hunter pushed but Koda didn't budge. Sensing her stubbornness, Hunter reached down and scooped the elemental up in his arms. "Hey! What are you doing? Put me down!" Koda protested as she tried to wiggle out of his arms. "Shh not so loud, cyare, you'll wake up the others." Hunter warned as his grip on her tightened, holding her bridal style close to his chest.

"Do you really think I can do this?" Koda asked as she laid across from Hunter, her blue eyes looking up at him in both wonder and fear. Hunter couldn't bring himself to look at her, his eyes shut as he tried to sleep. "Cyare, sleep." He replied. "Why do you keep calling me that?" Koda asked and finally Hunter's eyes fluttered open. "What?" "You keep calling me names I don't understand like mesh'la and cyare. Why?" Hunter was not about to tell her, not yet. "Because." He replied, his voice laced with tiredness. "Because what?" "I'll tell you in the morning." "No tell me now." Koda persisted. "Koda..." Hunter warned. He sighed as he looked down at her. She looked so small in this moment, laying so peacefully across form him. He brushed a stray strand of hazel hair out of her face, his calloused fingers grazed over a few of her scars in the process. "Because you are special to me." he said. "And I think you can do anything you put your mind to." He added and Koda could feel the heat rising in her chest. "From day one you surprised me and you continue to do so every day." He said before hesitating for a moment. "I love you." Koda felt as if the wind had been knocked right out of her. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Is that why you call me those names?" She asked flatly and Hunter's lips curled into a small smile. "Yeah." he replied. "They're terms of endearment in Mandoa. Mesh'la means beautiful and cyare means loved." the heat in Koda's chest continued to rise until it was at her cheeks. If the lighting wasn't so dim she was certain she was a blushing mess. "Hunter." She said softly and the clone hummed in response. "I love you too." there was a spark in his eyes, Koda could see it. One of affirmation and hope. To be loved would be an awfully nice adventure. Hunter's hand reached up and cupped her cheek, calloused fingers were gently glazing over burn scars as he pulled her closer to him and pressed a kiss to her lips. Koda closed her eyes as she breathed in his scent it was just as intoxicating as when she breathed it in the first time. "Now," Hunter added once he finally pulled away from the embrace, his hand moved to lazily stroke her short hair. "Goodnight Cyare."


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