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• Tech's Idea •

"I don't understand what you're asking me

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"I don't understand what you're asking me." Koda remarked with her arms crossed over her chest as she stood across from Hunter and Tech. It was late on the Marauder and everyone else had retired for the night. Koda was also about to head to sleep when she asked Hunter if he was joining her when he stopped her to ask her a question he and Tech had been discussing. "We are asking if you can use these healing powers to possibly 'cure' the chip in Crosshair's brain that controls his neurological functions." Tech replied as he looked down at a data pad in his hands. "We want to know if your powers can help restore Crosshair." Hunter clarified but Koda scoffed. "You want me to help the guy who tried to burn me alive?" She sneered. "Koda," Hunter tried, "He's our brother." He explained. "The things he did- they aren't him. You remember what Omega said about the inhibitor chip?" "Yes I remember." Koda replied. "But that doesn't change what he did to me." She countered. "You don't even know if my healing abilities will help him." "Well it's not just the healing abilities I am curious about." Tech spoke up without looking up from his data pad. "Research shows that some of your kind were able to control energy within the body. There was an elemental recently who used these abilities to cut off the Jedi's connection to the force in the time of the Republic." Koda froze as her eyes narrowed in on the clone with an enhanced mind. "You're talking about Isma." "Who's Isma?" Hunter asked, not following the two. "One of the most powerful elementals to ever live. She dedicated years of her life to learning to control all elements, not just energy." Koda turned back to Tech, "What are you proposing?" She asked with keen eyes. "You could use similar tactics as this 'Isma' and instead use it to cease the functioning of Crosshair's inhibitor chip." Koda scoffed before rolling her eyes. "I'm not an energy elemental, I'm a water elemental. Did that get lost in that enhanced mind of yours?" "No." Tech replied shortly. "Research shows that any elemental can control energy, not just energy elementals. It is a subelement meaning with enough practice and discipline, you can learn it too." "And what makes you so sure that I can do this?" "We don't exactly have another option." Hunter replied. "All other probable outcomes are not favorable." Tech added. "I know you can do this, Koda." Hunter said as he gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "You're strong and fierce. I've seen you fight, there's nothing else quite like it." "So you believe in me?" "You know I do."

"So you failed?" Tarkin asked, his tone was heavy and Crosshair was worried for a brief moment of what his failure meant for him. "Yes." He replied flatly. Tarkin thought about what to do next, how to go about this exceptional clone's failure. "I will give you another chance." He replied. "Lord Vader and I are departing for Kamino in the morning to make a necessary check in on the proceders there. You will join us and will be granted access to any supplies you might needed while there to complete your mission." Vader's right hand man informed the clone. Crosshair knew deep down Koda wasn't dead yet. The burning he had done to her was not enough to kill her. This time he needed to be more precise, that was his enhanced skill afterall, deadly precision. It was time he put such a skill to the test. Memories of the elemental flashed through his mind, the way she screamed when she was surrounded by flames, the pain and fear in her voice as the flames licked her skin and seared her flesh. But then his thoughts drifted to Hunter, his brother. He remembered the way Hunter looked at him. Deep down Crosshair wanted to cry out, to beg for the help of his brother. He knew what he was doing was wrong but the inhibitor chip snuffed out all chances of empathy within his mind. Without his empathy, Crosshair was a mere shell of the man he used to be. His only purpose was to finish the mission given to him. "Yes sir."

Omega woke up to a sudden shiver coursing through her body. She was cold, unbelievably cold. She got up and wiggled her way out of the knook her brothers had made for her and that's when she saw it. The hold of the ship was covered in frost and snowflakes hung suspended in the air. They moved slightly in rhythm with a draft that gently nipped at Omega's cheeks. Omega's eyes fell to the source, Koda sat on the ground with her legs crossed over each other. Her breathing was slowed and moved through her in rhythm with the draft on the ship. Her eyes were shut in concentration, and it was in that concentration that the elemental had allowed the frost to gather over her body and the hold of the ship. It was like she were meditating but why Omega couldn't fathom. "It's rude to stare, snowflake." Koda called to the small girl which shocked her out of the gaze. "Oh... sorry." Omega replied softly and Koda's eyes opened with a warmth that washed over the hold, thawing it out as she turned to Omega with a soft smile. "What were you doing?" Omega asked as she walked over to the elemental, much more comfortable now that the cold frost had melted away. "Training." Koda replied. "For what?" Omega asked with a tilt of her head and Koda bit her lip. She didn't know if any of the boys had told Omega of their plan or if they even wanted her to know. Koda figured she would find out eventually so she patted her lap for the girl to come sit. "Do you remember yesterday when I healed your cut?" Koda asked as the small girl snuggled onto her lap. Omega nodded. "Well, the boys and I think I might be able to use such an ability to help crosshair." Omega's eyes widened. "You can do that?" she asked curiously and Koda sighed as a small grin spread onto her lips. "I hope so."


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