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It was almost a week since the princes arrival in Sage Vashisht's Gurukul . The Boys were slowly , but Gradually starting to adapt to a very different life in Ashram than what they were used to in Ayodhya.

The Ashram itself was a very fascinating Place. Sprawled over Several Acres of Vast Land and Small Tributaries of Water , it was a sight to Behold for Scenic Beauty.

Princes from Many Kingdoms were enrolled Each Year , usually at around 16 yrs of age right after they hit Puberty .

But Ayodhya was different , and It was more Prosperous for a reason. King Dashrath ensured that his kingdom was always 2 steps ahead of his rivals , to enforce that he made his sons got an early headstart . Rama was already 12 years of age coming into the Gurukul and Bharat being few months younger had just turned 12 .

But Unlike in the palace where his birthday would have been celebrated in a grand way , it was a day usual at work in the Gurukul , the Rishi had ensured no special priveleges to anyone. They needed to get educated to become great kings , for that , distraction of any kind was not an option.

The Gurukul , in its premises , boasted of a very large library with huge collection neatly divided into sub sections. It was like a central repository of years of research and knowledge penned down in the form of written texts , from generation to generation.

On the other Corner of it , stood a large workshop to enable the shishyas learn to craft various things , from arrows to swords to armour , be it anything.

Rest of the area was sprawled with forests , small ponds and small Huts which housed the princes.

Each of the Hut could house 4-5 children comfortably.


The Chariots stopped Right in front of the gate. It was mid Afternoon. The sudden stopping of horse carriage created quite a thud , and the Half asleep Lakshman and Bharat were brought back into senses by Shatrughan and Ram , who had stayed awake the entire journey.

Everyone got off the carriages. Ram Noticed around 30 unfamiliar faces around him , all there to be part of the gurukul , and visibly almost everyone being older to them.

Vashisht : Each and Everyone , pick up your luggage and assemble in the Garden right there.

Many a Princes looked highlu offended , for they were not habitual of doing their own work for themselves , but none had the courage to disobey the sage.

Shatrughan : Thank GOD I made Mata pack only he necessary things.

Lakshman : Brother , U still have 2 ladoos hidden up your little angvastra , I wont dare to call the a necessity.

Sharughan ( trying to hide embarrasement) : Well it was a last time temptation I couldn't resist . Dont tell me you didnt have any temptation yourself ?

BHARAT : anyways Lakshman ,  its still better than bringing that Mithril sword of yours , given by the so lovely and cute little princess of mithila .... ( Bharat kept on exaggerating and stretching his lines). Exactly why on earth would you bring that here ?

Lakshman : Yeah Yeah , so what  .... Its not a waste , it's a necessity , I will need it to practice my swordsmanship. 

By the way , You could have brought that  peacock feather of urs which you kiss every night beofre going to sleep , its certainly a necessary item for you , else u are gonna have sleepless nights

Bharat ( embarrassed) : Shut up ... I dont kiss anytihng

Ram( Poking Lakshman) : And How Exactly are you going to fine tune your skills with a one feet sword meant for only children ???

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