The Prince Of Ayodhya

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Mandavi ( Excited ) : what next , Maharishi

Rishi : Girls I only know this much

Urmila : But the fun was just beginning , u cant just stop like that in between

Janak : Yeah , Even I want it to continue , Its strange that after all these years , some of the things brought out today were completely new to me . Dashrath is secretive person , he hid so much from me , I wonder whats more he s got under the closet.

A voice was heard suddenly " Then May be I can help the tale to continue "

It was Vijay's Voice

Everyone Looked behind to find Kushdwaj and Vijay standing before them , with broad smiles on their faces , indicating that the battle was won by mithila.

Everyone Rushed towards Kushdwaj to embrace Him .

Janak : I am so glad to see you back victorious , and more importantly , Unscathed and not wounded

Kush'j : Well brother some of the credit goes to Vijay , he took a hit twice for me ( pointing towards his bruised arm ) . Our combined forces fought valiantly , and I wish you had seen Vijay's sword Skills , it was like Magic , I now understand why He is Maharaj Dashrath's most trusted.

Vijay : I am not That Praisworthy Sire , you are embarrassing me.

Chandrabhaga and Sunaina went towards Vijay and dressed up his wound .

Chandrabhagha : Today u protected my husband , I shall forever be indebted to you , if u don't mind , can I call u as my brother from now on

Sunaina : not just hers , mine too...

Vijay : It would be my honour , my sisters.

Kush'j : By the way , I was hoping to find you all a bit stressed at least , but for the past two hours of what I have seen , it didn't look that at all

Janak : what , u have been here for two hours

Vijay ( laughing) : Yes Maharaj , while u were busy listening to Rishi's Tale .

Sita : Kakashree it was so entertaining , we just didn't notice .

Vijay : For Me , it was as if I was relieving the past again

Kush'j : Not ur fault Putri , Even we both had a good time listening to that in the background

Vijay : So King Janak , when are u planning to send King Kushdwaj to sankasya to oversee its administration ?

Janak , Kush'j and the queens looked towards their daughters , who had suddenly got close to each other and had held each other's hand tightly , breathing Heavily and nodding their heads in a big NO , about to burst out crying anytime now.

Janak : Actually I wont .

Vijay : But someone needs to oversee the affairs there

Janak : I think I will find someone capable from my assembly of ministers , but not my brother , for I cant live without him , neither can my daughters bear separation from each other.

Chandrabhaga ( fake anger) : Mahaaraj you fogot us , Me and Didi too cant live without each other

Janak ( Laughs ) : Yes Yes both of you too .

Kush'j ( sarcastic ) : Brother , we can never win against our wives , it's a useless battle.

Vijay : Oh Man , this is so much Like Ayodhya . You four little princesses are just like my Princes , together always . Come Sit with me , I will tell you something now , and I am pretty sure no one here knows this stuff , for these are too cherishable moments for them , but I think I can share with you all , Mithila is now officially my Sister's family now , so kind of my own

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