Away from Home

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Maharaaj Dashrath Looked towards Sage Vashisht With Shock and Grief , but the sage seem to to unperturbed by any of the Kings Emotions

Vashsiht : Dashrath , In my Chambers , NOW...

Dashrath : Yes , Respected Sage

A few Moments after Dashrath and Vashisht went away for talk , Rani Kaushalya, who in her consiscence knew what the matter was all about , still asked Sumitra , hoping to get an answer she was looking for as a last ditch effort.

Kaushalya ( crying ) : Sumitra , for God's sake pls assure me , its not about sending our children to Gurukul.

Sumitra ( Hugs back Kaushalya ) : No Didi , it is time finally , we have to let go of them for their own own good.

The four Princes , Standing Next to their Mothers , getting the gist of the conversation of their mothers , were visibly shaken at first . Ram tried best to maintain his composure .

But the Bubble inside Shatrughan Burst out , and He Ran away to his room Crying.

Shatrughan ( Shouts , Cries, runs to his room ) : I am not going anywhere and I am not leaving anyone.

Mothers : Putra , Stop , Listen to us...

Bharat : Brother......

They follow him behind to console him


Ram : laxman , Pitashree must be distressed a lot , I know he loves all of us too Much , I need to be with him now, he needs me . You go and see if Shatru is alright . Bharath is soft and I fear he might break up too , maybe they will need a stricter brother with them now .

Lakshman : Ram Bhayia , not just you , I think We both need to be with Pitashree now , I am sure Mothers will handle the situation there .

Ram : I am surprised I haven't seen a tear in your eyes still Lakshman , wont you miss everyone here.

Lakshman : Of course I will Bhayia , but as long as you are with me to wherever I go , I can manage , its separation from you that will break this Lakshman Apart . And Having said that , you yourself have put up a very brave face before us , Don't I know how sad u are from inside your Heart Currently.....?

Ram hugs Lakshman Back Tightly

Ram : Don't say that Lakshman , Even I cant Bear any separation from You. Come On , lets go .

As Ram and Lakshman Went towards the Guru's Chamber , they couldn't help but evesdrop standing outside the door about all the conversation that was taking Place inside

Dashrath ( annoyed tone ) : But Rishivar , How Can I let a piece of my Heart go away from me for so many years

Vashisht : Oh Come on Putra , don't tell me you didn't knew that there would be a time when u would have anyway had to face this day

Dashrath : Yes Gurudev , I knew I would have too , I just didn't imagine it would be this tough , isn't there any alternative , cant the boys be taught everything here .

Vashisht : Everything being taught here ????? Meaning that we break the Raghukul Parampara ???

Dashrath ( voice getting louder in agitation): But following Parampara is least of my concerns when I know My Ram's life is in danger. You remember don't you , telling me that my eldest Son's life will be at the mercy of Destiny till he reaches Adulthood. Am I supposed to butcher my Son for the sake of Raghukul.

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