My Son's Bride

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"Sita, Urmila , Hurry and enter your Palkis , we are getting late" , In came sunaina's voice

" I guess its time to finally leave for Ayodhya " , said Sita as she and urmila turned back and started to walk towards the palanquin , while Kushdhwaj and the two Sankasyan Princesses started to go back towards the palace door.

No sooner had Urmila taken a few Steps towards the palki , she turned around a took a few steps back .............. "KRITUUUUU..... " .... She called out to her younger sister

"What Happened Didi " , Shrutkriti also turned Back to face urmila in a startled glance, while Mandavi and Kushdwaj had already gone back towards the palace entrance and Sita entered in Palanquin

" Just be vigilant Kritu , I am really worried for you , I have been getting these nightmares since past two days about some impending ill happening , pls be safe , don't stay there too long , finish the trade agreement and formalities as soon as possible and return to mithila" , Urmila hardly managed to control her sweating.

" Didi , you are worrying un- necessariliy , when a great warrior like pitashree is there , what have I to worry about" , assured shruti to Urmila.

"I am fully aware of Kakashree's Battle Prowess , but I don't know , I have been getting this strong urge to protect you from any harm , since the day I was warned by The third prince of Ayodhya in that letter I recd." , said a worried Urmila

" Ohh.... God...... , It's Him again , Its all because of his stupid premonitions, now I see why since that day you have been so worried. Its good I am not going to ayodhya , else if I would have met him there , he would have got an earful from me , for having caused a huge turmoil in my Urmi Didi's mind " , shrutkirti touched her forehead with Urmila's, pretending to be very angry towards lakshman.

" Hey , My Little Kiddo , don't say like this , He is far from Capable from causing any turmoil in my mind. I am sure he only intented for all of your well being . " , Urmila sounded tad protective of the Kosal Prince.

(A/N : The line in bold has some future meaning to it , ist it ? )

" Arey Haan Didi , I know , I was just kidding . I actually really appreciate the concern of the Ayodhyan prince. Any ways , I don't think anything bad is going to happen , and if something bad does happen , once you reach ayodhya , just order him around to come to magadh and dismantle their so called sinister plans himself ." , shruti joked to lighten the mood

With that , Urmila went pack to her Palaquin , and the royal mithilan family set strode towards the Kingdom of Ayodhya , a journey of about three days. Shrutkirti too went back inside the palace , not realizing a tad bit that how much true her casual statement was going to be, and that to very soon.


Raavan was sitting on his golden throne , along with Kumbhkaran , Vibhishan and his Royal ministers in the Main Hall .

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