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A few Thousand Miles away from the Kingdom from Kosal and Mithila , Lied the Island Kingdom of Lanka , Ruled by one of the most powerful and fearless Emperors , Dashaanan Raavan . Known in all the three Realms of the Universe for his valour and his unmatched knowledge of Vedas and Celestial Weapons , he had scripted quite a history for himself as there practically no one who could challenge him to war , those who did , ultimately met their fate in Death , others well , had no choice but to accept his supremacy.

But the King of Lanka nowdays wasn't that torrid to look at , anyone who saw him the palace could just feel anything but a king in him . And why Not , he was going to be a father Again , and the worries and eagerness of a father to be could be seen vividly in his eyes.Queen Mandodari had gone into labour a few hours ago and a good news was expected anytime now. Raavan in his anticipation for a third son had even thought his name beforehand , "AKSHAY KUMAR " , is what I am going to call him .

In Raavan's Chamber

Raavan ( moving hurreidly round the room ) : Vibhishan , brother , any news Yet. 

Vibhishan ( calmly hold raavan on both shoulder's ) : Brother , pls do no worry so much , Bhabhi is being Looked after well and she is in pretty safe hands of Raj Vaidya Sushen and Bhabhi Vajramala. I am amazed to see you in this state everytime when u are going to become a father . I thought maybe you must have gotten over your this anxiety by now , having witnessed it a couple a times before . ( vibhishan tried to lighten the mood ).

Raavan ( somewhat relaxed now) : Oh my inncoent brother , you will not understand , Wait till you become a Dad , then I will ask you the same Question , and then I will see you your Reaction.

Listening so , Vibhishan's mind rolled back in time about 11 yrsFlashback 

( 11 yrs back )

Whole of lanka had been rejoicing for the past 3 months on getting the news that queen mandodari was soon going to delver the Heir to the kingdom of Lanka . There was so much joy and happiness inside Raavan that he had invited all his relatives for the big day , the day the supposedly birth would take place .The whole of Lanka had been coated in gold , a gift from Ravan's brother Kuber on the arrival of his nephew

Pacing his Steps outside queen's room , he could hear vividly mandodari's cries of Pain , as she tried to push out the baby. Standing near Raavan was the Asur guru Shukracharya , with whom he didnt have the most cordial of relations , but Rajdharm Demanded the presence of the Asur guru on such an auspicious occasion.After a few minutes of moaning and crying of Mandodari , all the noises stoppedRaavan Looked dumstruck for a few seconds , when suddenly the youngest Queen Sarama , wife of Vibhishana came out rather hurriedly .

Raavan : Sister Sarama , what happened , the noise just stopped , is my Heir Born YetSarama( her lips trembling ) : Bhrata Raavan , Bhabi has given birth to a boy , but , but ( saying she broke out crying)

Raavan's Heart raced a million notches , and he Rushed to his wife inside

Meanwhile , Sarama , gathering some courage , told Vibhisan that the boy born was still , and they both too went inside , fearng the worst

 What Vibhishan saw was not a pretty site , Queen Mandodari lay unconsious on the Bed , tired Extremely after long hours of labour pain , standing beside her was Kekasi , holding the still born baby in her hand , Vibhishan , sarama , vajramala , all took the child in their hands at made attempt for him to cry , but in vainRaavan stood some feet apart , shcoked to the core and didnt speak anythingWith some courage , he moved towards his child , and gently took him away from the arms of sarama .Within Seconds , after a bare touch from his father , the boy came back to life , and cried loudly , including a slight tear from Raavan too , which did not went unnoticed.The cry was so loud that it literaaly shook the foundations of the palace , seemed like an earthquake had hit the Island . A wave of joy happiness went round the palace witnessing the first signs of new life , 

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