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Time Passed Quickly at the site of the makeshift Camp in the deep forest , wherein Ram and Lakshman had been undergoing training under the tutelage of Vishvamitra ,and It was almost Dusk Time. All four brothers , who had got along a few hours back for a meal together , had went to a nearby pond for a bath

The first and The Third Prince of Ayodhya had Successfully grasped all the Knowledge of Bala and Atibala , Along with some of the toughest mantra invokations of Other Powerful Weapons from their Guru Vishwamitra .

Ram's Physical Body and mind had fully adapted to Bala And Atibala , While Lakshman's was a still a few months away till he turned eighteen years old , and it was in these upcoming months that he would undergo a major transformation mentally to absorb the imparted powers so as to use them to their full potential , but at the cost of experiencing various backlashes and torments of painful power surges , like like Ram had experienced in his final months of turning Eighteen. As expected of the Princes of Kosal , they turned out to be Exceptional students , rendering even Vishwamitra speechless , who had keenly noticed their relentless speed of grasping the vidya imparted ,hence he had let them go home along with Bharat and Shatrughan , for the next crucial step in their journey could only be placed in motion after few months of time , when Lakshman would gain full control over the Mantras like Ram.

Vishwamitra had given Ram and Lakshman a Pleasant surprise when he had brought Along Bharat And Shatrughan , for them to get along together after almost four months of secluded training, before they left for Ayodhya Together ......... Ayodhya , .....their Home , Where a grand welcome Awaited them .

Everyone, right from the Emperor and the Queen Mothers, to the soldiers and common praja , had waited for several years to see their princes coming back permanently home finally. All of them sensed an even more prosperous era in future , wherein Maharaj Dashrath eventually would step down and next Generation would Finally ascend the throne.

It was also a common rumour among the Praja , that Dashrath, wanting to be an absolutely fair father , would organize a grand competition in a bid to come to terms as to who will be the most eligible King Among the four Brothers , rather than following the conventional system of appointing the eldest as crown Prince.

The rumours did reach the ears of the three Queens via their Maids , who in turn were quite surprised themselves , but no one had the courage to Question Emperor Dashrath about it . They Loved their Sons equally , but in their Eyes the Future King was Always Ram , there was no doubt about that. Same was with the entire kingdom of Kosal.

However , the Queen mothers did Enquire about it from Guru Vashisht , who would merely just smile on their questions , but would never give them a definitive answer .The only thing he would say is " Some matters must best be left to the Emperor to Decide. ".

However , far away , all the four Brothers were completely oblivious to these rumours. All they wanted was them to be together all the time , as to who would become the king , it was a question that never came to anyone's mind since their Birth , incuding Rama.

After having their meal prepared by Guru Vishwamitra and a long chat session thereafter , The Four Princes had just taken a bath in the nearby pond , and they were getting dressed Up to leave for Ayodhya

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