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The Sun had begun to Rise on the Horizons of Ayodhya , with its First rays kissing the Shiny Suryavansh Emblem displayed on flag of Kingdom , Put beautifully over the top of the magnificent Dome of the Palace .

To the King , time seemed to fly the fastest it had been the last night than in his entire life , after all it was the last day he would be seeing his boys till they returned after one full Year. He had spent the entire Night Standing at door of the Room , gazing at his children who lay slept peacefully , till finally he was called in by Guru Vashisht for the morning prayers right before the children left.

Ram Woke up First and then Helped his other brothers to wake up . and went to take their bath together

During Their Bath

Shtrughan : Ram Bhayia , what all are we going to learn while Away in the ashram

Ram : Pretty Much everything a Prince Needs to Learn , my Dear Shatrughan

Lakshman : Do we learn to fight as well Brother

Ram : I think Learning to Protect Ourselves and Our people is how you should put it Lakshman . And yes , Gurudev is going to teach us everything there is as to how to use all the weapons – the bow , the sword , the spear....and what not

Bharath : And not to forget the other things as well brother , I heard Pitaji and Gurudev talking that we shall learn much more than that , you know we would have to cook ourselves too there , wont it be interesting

Lakshman ( making a disgusting face ) : Eeeeewww , not that. Bharat Bhayia why do you love this Ladies work so much ?

Bharat ( Patting Lakshman's Head ) : Hey you little Bro ... Behave . Am I elder than you....

Lakshman ( Smiles ) : Bhayia it feels always so nice when u pat my Head like this

Bharat( laughs) : Me too

Shatrughan ( somewhat tensed ) : And Ram bhaiya , I have heard there would be many other princes and students as well you would have come for their education , most of them will be quite older and bigger than us , what if they bully Us

Ram – Why Do you Worry Shatru , When I am there around you all , I will ensure no trouble touches you

Shatrughan : And what if someone troubles you...

Lakshman ( Murmering to himself ) : Then He wont see the Light of Next day

Ram : Common , Enough Talk , We must get dressed quickly , its getting Late and Gurudev must be waiting

They soon changed into Simple Saffron Ashram Clothes , given to them by Guru Vashisht The previous Night and went to Greet Their Mothers one last time . Dashrath and Vashisht too joined in.

The queens Had got Down to pack the belongings of their Boys in large Iron Trunks , and they were working overtime to make sure nothing was left to chance at the last moment .

Vashisht : Putri Kaushalya , Kekai , sumitra , what is going on here...

Sumitra : Greetings Sage , we Extremely sorry for causing Delay , the packing is almost finished

Shatrughan : But Ma...

Sumitra ( Filled with anxiety ) : Don't Interupt Shatrughan , cant you see I am packing your Stuff

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