Growing Up- Part 2 ( Ayodhya Princes)

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The Princes Of Ayodhya were no less in aspect than their Mithila Counterparts.

All these past Five Years , the Frail Young Bodies of the young Princes had been turned into a lob of lean and chiselled mascular frame , Inheriting the physical lineage of the Raghukul Clan. Each One, barely 17yrs old and Rama About to Turn 18 , but easily towered well above Six Feet in Height. Ram and Bharat Stood at 6 feet 2 inches , while The twins stood an inch taller than their brothers . The years of rigourous physical and mental Educatation did seem somewhat Noticeable on their bodies in the form of small cuts and bruises on their torso , but mata Arudhati's knowledge in medicinal herbs Ensured that the Princes always recuperated well their physical aspects remained in top shape.

Academically , All the knowledge of the Vedas , All the details of history of each kingdom and their lineage was passed to them .

They were made into robust warriors , Vashisht had Imparted them with Physical Skills of all basic and advanced weapons like the Bow , Sword , Spear , short range weapons like Dagger. Although Each one Did have a leering towards a particular weapon to operate as a speciality trait.

Prince Ram excelled in archery , he had An unmatched aim . He was like a magician With Bow and arrows.His sense of wisdom and calmness was almost at par with his guru vashisht. All these years growing up into a fine young prince , he had built up his character in such a way that even if the rival princes would be jealous of him , they could not hate him. The Ideal Older Brother He Was , Caring and Protective towards them . Famous for Speaking the Truth always , only his brothers knew the numerous times he had lied to his gurus or parents , albeit only to take blame on himself when his younger 2 did mischief.

Lately , he had also developed a taste in music , primarily due to some recent circumstances which arose between him and Laksh.( *This will be revealed in detail in later chapters *)

Prince Bharath was also much like Ram , but unlike archery , he preferred to use more the spear and Mace. He had a soft spoken and selfless nature and had a tinge of introvertness in him , it took him quite a bit of time to gel with others , although with his brothers it was an entire different story , he could talk with them day and night .

Often the target of many pranks coming from his younger Siblings ,and occaissionaly from his older brother, he would chide them in a childish way but deep inside his heart he too liked to be pranked . His love for them and respect for his elder was not hidden from anyone in the gurukul , although he expressed him emotions rarely in public view . Bharath could do anything for them. An artistic and Heavily emotional Man by Heart , he would like to draw and paint in his free time , which he got precious little anyway. He would often draw himself with his brothers during various activities and later even send them to ayodhya as gift to his parents , who kind of saw their children grow up from the portraits.

Both Rama And Bharat Were very private persons to the outside world , only their siblings could know and feel the real them.

The youngest Prince Shatrughan liked almost any weapon given to him , he had no special preference. His father's words before them departing for gurukul had a lasting impact on him , so he ensured he gave everything an equal preference. In addition of Practicing warfare , he had shown great interest towards academics specially towards the economical and Civic aspects of running the kingdom. A keen Prankster as always , but still the little baby of his brothers , the most pampered of all.Many other princes would often mistake this pamperdness for his naivity , but he would prove them wrong whenever Guru Vashisht would Quiz his discliples on various subjects. During the archery and Sword Duelling Sessions , He had proved to be a handful for all other disciples and almost equal to hi brothers , but it was rare that the four princes displayed their actual combat strength during public duelling sessions when going on against each other.

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