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The princes had almost finished dressing up and were loading their things on their horses ,when they oversaw Vishwamitra was coming along their way , albeit in a slightly worried state.

"Boys , there has been a change of Plan , Putra Bharat and Shatrughan , you will leave for Ayodhya Now with me , but your brothers will have to join you a few days Later . Meanwhile , Ram and Lakshman , you both Will Proceed towards Mahendra Parvat immediately , go via the Dandakarya Forest to reach Faster , in the forest you you will meet an old Aquaintance of yours , who will guide you further onwards your Journey , Hurry , don't waste any time " , said Vishwamitra

Bharat glanced surprisingly towards Vishwamitra with a worried expression "What Happened all of a sudden Gurudev, you sound extremely tensed ? "

Vishwamitra seemed in a lost state, with a trickle of sweat visible on his forehead" All you need to know is , that from past few years there have been ever increasing cases of Asurs , Rakshasas, Demons and Witches creating Havoc in Kingdoms and Rishi Ashrams , but recently a big shot has come out in the open , A terrifyingly powerful Asur whose reign of terror is just beginning to form , and all this needs to be contained at all costs "....

"Who is it Gurudev ? " , Lakshman pondered with curiousity

" Someone you all should be very careful of , Specially You Putra " Vishwamitra put his hand on lakshman's head in a very protective manner .

" What exactly do we need to accomplish by going towards Mahendra Parvat , that too all of a sudden, Gurudev ?, asked Ram


" Ram , you remember I told you and Lakshman about two mythical weapons , whose combat prowess is unmatched , it is time for you both to inherit that ,and the first one , which is Meant for Ram , is near Mahendra Parvat,. Initially I wanted Lakshman to turn eighteen so as to get a better control over Bala and Atibala before you attain those weapons , but I guess not everything happens to plan , if that Asur hadn't exposed himself in the open so daringly , I would never have been forced to take this risk , but alas I have no option left , its best that this is done quickly" , Vishmamitra Explained.

Lakshman Looked towards Vishwamitra , his puffed up chest oozing with a lot of self confidence and belief , " But Gurudev , we four brothers have been taught to use many divine divyastras right upto the deadliest ones like Brahmastra from Guru Vashishtha , and in fact in these last four months , you even went on to impart me and Ram bhayia some divyastras which were even more powerful than the Brahmastra , aren't these even enough to deal ?"

Vishwamitra sighed with a solemn expression , as he looked towards the Dark sky , contemplating ways to answer hi pupil in the most apt way " You have a valid Point Lakshman , but just to give you some perspective , the astras you mentioned , specially the ones like Brahmastra , they are meant for complete anhilation , yes you can counter even your deadliest foes with it , but astras like these are meant to be used as a last resort , moreover using these will mean a lot of collateral damage . Defeating or killing your enemy should not come at a cost of massacaring other innocent lives , hence the two mythical weapons I talk about , will let you overcome that problem fully without compromising on the lethality , moreover both these are suited well to your and Ram's style " ,

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