Flinching during argument|V (BTS)

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I sighed while removing the heels which were killing me. I slowly dragged my feet inside the house while bringing my hands to my shoulder. I massaged my shoulder as I was too tired right now. It had been a hectic month for me. "So you're home now?" I flinched at the sudden voice. I looked to my left and saw my boyfriend, Kim Taehyung standing on the stairs. "Oh yeah... I'll fresh up and rest a bit" I told him and walked towards the stair. I climbed almost to the top. "Are you out of love?" I heard him say as my feet stopped itself. "What?" I uttered before turning around. "Have you found someone else?" He asked while facing me.

"What? No! Where did you even got that thought?!" I furrowed my eyebrows. He started walking up towards me. "By your behavior" He replied coldly. "Why are you acting distant past few weeks?!" he raised his voice a bit. He was now a step above me. "No baby... It's not like that!" I tried to get closer to him. He moved back, not wanting me to touch him. "Then why are you giving me signs of you cheating on me!!" he yelled as I saw his eyes were shining because of the newly forming tears. I also felt my eyes tear up. "Baby I just had a hectic mo-" he cut me off. "I don't think so" he raised his voice.

His angry expression, his cold voice and his posture was kind of scaring me. He was the bad boy of our college who used to fight and hit a lot so he sometimes scares me. "Please baby believe in me. I was with the client who are gonna-" he just won't let me speak for god's sake. "DON'T GIVE ME THOSE DAMN STUPID EXCUSE YOU BITCH!!!" he yelled while raising his hand up in the air. My eyes widen as my breath hitched at his moves. I quickly figured my face with my hands and moved back. Sobs was the only noise hear. I slowly lowered my hands to see him looking at me shocked.

"Y-You didn't t-thought I was going to hit did you?" he asked with his shaking from holding the tears back. I was shaking a bit from the fear. He took a step forward as I moved back saying, "D-Don't come- AHH!" I screamed out of nowhere. "Y/n!!" Taehyung yelled as my leg was now not on the steps but in the air. My back came in the contact with the steps as I rolled downwards. I felt the sharps corners hurting my body as I felt my head heavy. My body started aching. While rolling, I saw Taehyung skipping down. My vision was slowly blurring. I was now down the steps, finally touching the ground. I weakly looked towards Taehyung's direction.

He was now beside me. "Baby..." he cried out. I gave him a small smile, "I-I'm sorry for m-making you in-insecure baby" I whispered to him. With that, I black outed.

Taehyung's POV

My eyes widen as my love slipped down the stairs. There she was, rolling down the stairs with whimpers leaving her mouth. My legs started moving towards her body. My heart was racing so much that I could I die at this rate. She stopped down the stairs as I reached by her side. Tears were pricking down my eyes. "Baby..." I called her out as I felt heart broken. "I-I'm sorry for m-making you i-insecure baby" she said but it came out as whisper. She slowly closed her eyes. "No... No baby keep your eyes open. Y/n! Open your fucking eyes for god's sake!" I yelled, trying to wake her up but it was no use.

I was feeling so helpless right now. We shouldn't have argued. I then remembered, ambulance. I removed my hand that was under her head, to only see it covered by blood. My eyes widen at the sight of bloody hand. I hurriedly took removed my phone and dialed the emergency number. After two rings, someone picked up. "This is Seoul hospital What ca-" I cut her off by saying, "My wife had fell down the stairs a-and i-is bleeding too m-much. Please come to xxxx" I stuttered. "Sir firstly calm down. We will send out people right away" she said and hung up. I was sobbing and crying with lifeless looking Y/n in my arms.

She had her bag still on her shoulder. I took it and removed her phone from it. It was ringing. The caller id was 'Mr. Kang' Maybe I wrongly accused her? What is its true?! Ugh!!!! I heard ambulance siren. That was fast. I got up and opened the door, running out. "HERE!!" I yelled waving at the bus. Stretcher and nurses were running inside the house. I followed them inside. They carefully placed Y/n on the stretcher and ran to the ambulance. I also got into it as they allowed me to. I held her hand throughout the whole ride. It was because of me, she is lying here. If only I had talked calmly, if only I had not scared her... Gosh.

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